THEME: Including all students - Resources at SDU
Resources on hand at SDU to support inclusive and accessible teaching and learning.
- Student Services at SDU caters for students’ wide range of needs including learning needs. Students can meet with experts and together develop supportive plans for ways forward. By including this link to SDU Student Services - https://www.sdu.dk/en/uddannelse/bachelor/kontakt - and providing a description of the wide support they can offer students in course handbooks and on itslearning course sites, you will signal to students where they can access specialist support.
- If you or your students are experiencing challenging interpersonal situations at SDU, or if you have concerns about a student’s wellbeing or engagement in their studies help is on hand. All staff and students can access support from SDU Student Services, via the Counselling Support. You can find out more about the expert support offered by Lisbeth, Kathrine and Rasmus from the video below. These colleagues can help all stakeholders find ways through challenging situations and identify whether further specialist support would be helpful.
(This video is in Danish but will soon be with Danish and English captions - Meanwhile, you can get the transcript in English in this pdf-version of the video).