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Staff development

Staff development for teachers can be done in many different ways. In some cases a generic course would be fitting, in other cases an individually planned feedback and discussion course might be more productive. The SDU Centre for Teaching and Learning offers both – and a lot of other possibilities in between..

  • We currently offer a wide variety of courses in teaching and learning about everything between how to make a lecture more interactive to how to give counselling at a distance. Many of the courses are held in both Danish and English and all courses are open to all teachers. But a few courses are targeted specifically at PhDs.
  • If you need a course which is tailored specifically for you or you need input for individual problems then we offer consultancy support and counselling for different target groups (e.g. Academic Study Boards or single teachers) and in different formats (e.g. presentations at seminars for employees or counselling including observation).

Please notice that we gladly come to your department/Academic Study Board/semester team/… to hold one of our courses at a date and with a perspective that suits you.

How do I sign up for a course?
Follow this link to SDU employee courses in general or go directly to SDU UP's specific course offerings.

For every course description it is stated if the course is scheduled or if it is a flexible coursePlease express your interest in a flexible course as indicated in the course description, by signing up or by sending an e-mail to the course leader. Please note that some courses have a deadline for expression of interest. If you are requested to sign up the course date will be set through a subsequent Doodle.  

Courses "on demand": Some courses can be requested by a group of teachers, as indicated in the course description.

Last Updated 07.02.2025