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Urban Resilience webinar series 2021: Just and Green Transition

Webinar Series_2021

This webinar series started on 21 July 2021

Cities are hubs of social, cultural, and economic activities, and projections estimate that 7 out of 10 people living in cities by 2050 are often hotspots of extreme climate events and nowadays of the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, cities and their communities face various challenges, such as the health impacts of COVID-19, the climate emergency and social and economic inequality, which should be undertaken with an integrated and holistic approach to build resilience.  This webinar series will debate how to systematically approach a just and green transition in cities to systematically tackle global challenges, with a specific focus on COVID-19 recovery and climate change interplay. The panellists of the webinars, representing leading organisations, will share the key opportunities for a green and just recovery and transition in the context of Global South and Global North related to, among others: policy vertical and horizontal integration, finance mechanisms, resilient and green infrastructure, green territories, and maritime planning. The webinar series will display practices worldwide, including those developed in major international organisations and leading private sector organisations.

The webinar series is organized as part of the activities of the International Urban Resilience Academy IURA, coordinated by the University of Southern Denmark in collaboration with: BLOXHUB, Aalborg University - BUILD Department of the Built Environment, The United Nations Human Settlements Programme UN-Habitat, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, UNESCO Chair on Sustainability at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia UPC, United National Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO - Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction UNDRR, International Centre for Climate Change and Development ICCCAD, World Wildlife Fund WWF International, Climate Service Center Germany GERICS, Climate Technology Centre and Network CTC-N, IUAV University of Venice, Delft University of Technology TU Delft, Nordic Urban Resilience Institute NURI, Polytechnic University of Turin POLITO - Responsible Risk Resilience Centre R3C, RECNET.  Recycling the City Network, Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre ADPC, ARUP, Asociación Adapt-Chile, Imperial College London ICL, Resallience, International Organization for Migration, The Resilience Shift, African Development Bank Group

Watch the webinar series 

#1 WEBINAR (21 July 2021, 16:30 – 18:30 CET): Urban climate resilience: from local to territorial scale

#2 WEBINAR (26 July 2021, 09:30 – 11:30 CET): Building Resilient, Just and Green Communities through Area-based Responses – Case Studies from Afghanistan

#3 WEBINAR (11 October 2021, 16:45 - 18:30 CET): Urban Resilience: Capacity building for action 

#4 WEBINAR  (13 October 2021, 12:40-14.10 CET): Understanding Urban Resilience

#5 WEBINAR  (29 October 2021, 09.00-11.00 CET: Green Initiatives for enhancing Urban Climate Resilience in Southeast Asia


Last Updated 23.02.2022