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#1 WEBINAR: Urban climate resilience: from local to territorial scale

Webinar 1

Time: 21 July 2021, 16:30 – 18:30 CET 


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Contact information (Resallience by Sixense):,

The first webinar of the ‘Urban Resilience webinar series 2021: Just and Green Transition’ is a collaborative initiative with Resallience.  

Resallience is VINCI's design office dedicated to adapting projects, cities, territories, infrastructures and their uses to climate change. Resallience brings innovative technical solutions, integrated engineering and economic models adapted to climate change. 

An urban territory never faces a single risk, but multiple risks in interaction. On the same space, hazards, floods, heat/cold waves or earthquakes are coexisting and often also with industrial activities like energy plants, chemical factories or dangerous materials transports. However, hazards mitigation policies are focused on single hazard at the expense of a more global, systemic approach, integrating interactions between hazards and their associated risks on the same territory. To these climatic and technologic hazards, sanitary risks and pandemics can be added. Furthermore, their domino effects extend diffusion of their consequences over space and time beyond of single-hazard scales considered independently. Vulnerability defined as the tendency to alter the functioning of a territory is accentuated by interdependences inside and beyond the so-called territory. 

Catastrophic events challenge sustainability of territories and their resilience capacity. Urban territories and their infrastructures more specifically, are facing multiple hazards either natural, technological or sanitary. However, because of the numerous interactions of our modern societies and of the increasing probabilities and impacts of climatic events, multiple hazards are interacting and can happen successively or simultaneously on the same territory. During catastrophes, a cascade of events can affect multiple technical networks and even rescue services: energy, transport infrastructures, telecommunications, food supply, water and sewage, waste management or hospitals. These cascade events are greatly impacting our capacity to react quickly and efficiently.  

It is in response to these increasing urban resilience challenges that Resallience will present the keys to success in the creation of demonstration projects for a multi-hazard risk management in the context of climate change. 

Resallience by Sixense:



  Karim Selouane

Karim Selouane
C.E.O and Founder 
Resallience by Sixense 


Lucille Alonso

Lucille Alonso,
Resilience and Innovation Manager 
Resallience by Sixense


Didier Soto

Didier Soto,
Project Manager for climate resilience and GIS 
Resallience by Sixense


Fang-Yu H

Fang-Yu H,  
Project Manager - urban resilience  
Resallience by Sixense


Michael Gonzva

Michael Gonzva
Project Manager - infrastructure and city resilience 
Resallience by Sixense


Philippe Sohouenou

 Philippe Sohouenou
Project Manager - Infrastructure and Urban Resilience 
Resallience by Sixense



Lucille Alonso

Lucille Alonso,
Resilience and Innovation Manager 
Resallience by Sixense

Last Updated 05.10.2023