Urban Resilience - building capacity for operationalisation
Live Like Tomorrow, C40 World Mayors Summit
Time: Thursday the 10th October – 9:00 to 11:00
Location: BLOXHUB, Fæstningens Materialgård, LA. Frederiksholms Kanal 30, 1220 København
Maximum number of participants: 60
Format: Debate (in English)
Registration: https://billetto.dk/en/e/urban-resilience-building-capacity-for-operationalization-tickets-386598
Fee: Free event
Contact information: tek-ura@iti.sdu.dk
The event is an opportunity to reflect and discuss the urban resilience challenges and the need to build capacities for its operationalization.
The presentations and debate will draw on the outcomes of BLOXHUB Summer School on Urban Resilience (12-19 September), during which 30 practitioners, policymakers and researchers from 20 countries, in collaboration with 30+ international lectures, elaborated proposals responding to a real-life climate challenge conceived in collaboration with the City of Copenhagen.
The strategy and actions proposed for the City of Copenhagen will be based on an integrated approach fostering the generation of co-benefits through eco-system services and nature-based solutions.
The event will also present and discuss the preliminary research results aiming to identify key knowledge gaps, capacity building needs, and operationalization barriers and opportunities for urban resilience.
Shipra Narang Suri, UN-Habitat
Coordinator, Urban Planning and Design Branch,
UN-Habitat, Nairobi
Francesco Musco , IUAV
Associate Professor in Urban and Environmental Planning
IUAV University of Venice
Jaime Alexandra Webbe, CTCN
Regional Manager, Asia-Pacific
Climate Technology Centre and Network
Marianne Skov, Rambøll
Flood Risk Specialist
Magnus Qvant, NURI
Nordic Urban Resilience Institute (NURI)
Silvia Haslinger Olsson, NURI
Nordic Urban Resilience Institute (NURI)
Nicola Tollin
Professor wsr in Urban Resilience
SDU Civil and Architectural Engineering
Department of Technology and Innovation
University of Southern Denmark
Kasia Wieszczeczynska
Research Assistant
SDU Civil and Architectural Engineering
Department of Technology and Innovation
University of Southern Denmark
Vittore Negretto
PhD candidate
IUAV University of Venice