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Feasibility study of interconnections between district heating networks on Funen

©  / Michael Knudsen

Maria Dahl Hedegaard Jensen

Master Thesis – Energy Technology - 2018

This report is a feasibility study of the opportunity and consequences by establishing a joint district heating network between three district heating companies on Funen. The purpose of the study is to establish a starting point for potential future research on the concerning subjects. Among these is production units, demand for district heating, investments and social economics. The economic aspects of this study are done by the recommended method from The Danish Energy Agency (Energistyrelsen), and the technical calculations are either simulated in the optimization program EnergyPRo or calculated by the recommended method in the Catalogue of Energy Producing  Technologies published by the Danish Energy Agency (Teknologikatalog). The data used in the study either builds on results from simulations, provided data from the production companies or are based on historical data.

A reference scenario is constructed on provided data for each of the three production companies from 2016 and in addition to these two scenarios for the future years 2020 and 2030. In these scenarios a list of criteria for district heat consumption, verification of simulating model, scheduled reconstructions and extensions and required capacity for transmission between the production areas are set.

The results of the study shows a socioeconomic advantage to establish a joint district heating network on Funen. It also shows that a joint system will not require additional extensions of production capacity than what is already planned to establish at the individual production companies. At last this study confirms that a joint district heating network can contribute to the vision for a fossil free Denmark in the year of 2050.

Colaboration Partners
Fjernvarme Fyn
Ringe Fjernvarmeselskab
Nyborg Forsyning & Service A/S - NFS Varme A/S

Research Project Relations
Energiplan Fyn


Last Updated 25.06.2020