Frontlines of Transition: Decarbonization and Green Marginalities in Europe
This project proposes a timely study of the energy market turmoil in Europe.
Local involvement and ownership in the green transition
Involving citizens and creating local ownership is key to achieving the green transition. The project "Local involvement and ownership in the green transition" contributes to this by investigating barriers and opportunities related to citizen involvement and local ownership in the green transition in Danish rural areas.
REACT - Preventing digital exclusion in rural areas
The REACT project aims to prevent digital exclusion in rural areas. The project will train volunteer e-health facilitators to help older and vulnerable citizens.
Community economies as a local development dynamo in rural areas
The project has focus on the process that leads to the establishment of new local initiatives, that secure and maintains the development in local socities.
A “room” of their own – training cultural workers for facilitating rural youth culture
The objectives of R YOUCULT is to develop and design a universal high-quality training program for cultural workers in rural municipalities and rural cultural institution in the EU.
Health and social inequalities in a rural perspective
The link between health and social inequalities has long been a focus of health research - and a number of factors point to rural and peripheral communities in particular being increasingly challenged in this area. The aim of this research project is to map the challenges between health and social inequality in a rural perspective.
Strategic Village Planning
In 2019, the municipalities were obliged to carry out strategic village planning, in accordance to Planloven. This project will equip the municipalities for the task by giving them insight into different methods to solve the task and bring the Danish experiences in interaction with international experiences through the initiation of a PhD project and scientific publication on strategic village planning.
Cultures importance for sustainable development in rural areas
The purpose of the research project is to investigate what cultural life in rural areas consists of and its connection to one or more of the UN's 17 world goals. Through this, the aim of the project is to clarify 1) in what ways cultural life in rural areas contributes to the quality of life, community, settlement and to the cooperation between local communities and 2) to uncover what connections there are between initiatives to promote cultural life in rural areas and the form of cultural life thereby assuming seen from a sustainability perspective. The survey extends over three years and takes place in selected local communities in the Region of Southern Denmark, the Central Jutland Region and the North Jutland Region. The project is funded by the three regions and the Palaces and Culture Agency. Contact person is Pia Heike Johansen, piaj@sam.sdu.dk.
Quality of life in peripheral areas and rural districts
The project is to research what gives people in peripheral areas their high quality of life. I Denmark people have a higher quality of life in the countryside than in the cities, but we do not know much about why. The new knowledge can help improve the quality of life for all Danes – both in the city and in the countryside. Researchers from University of Southern Denmark, Aalborg University and the University of Copenhagen are part of the project. The research project extends over four years and runs until January 2022.
LUP on local commitment to nature
The Project is to research and test methods for how the municipalities can be involved in supporting the outdoor life in the countryside. The focus is on both the volunteers, who are formally organized in associations and community councils, and on unorganized volunteers who launch or participate in activities. Friluftsrådet has granted 1.9 million DKK to the project.
Integration of village development and agriculture
The project investigates agriculture's importance in local areas divided into small local plants and major production-oriented plants. Contact person: Pia Heike Johansen, piaj@sam.sdu.dk.
Living with dementia
“Life with dementia” is a cross-cutting Citizen Science project between SDU and Demensklinikken (OUH). Dementia is a chronic disease. It is estimated that up to 87,000 citizen and their relatives lives with dementia in various degrees. The number of people with dementia or people affected by dementia must be expected to increase as life expectancy increases, which is a challenge for municipalities and the healthcare system – especially in rural districts.
Research Projects
Completed Research Projects

The “Collective Impact - The open land as a dual resource” project will document the effects for rural development of a rethinking of land distribution in Denmark. From 2015-2019, the project will work to utilize the full societal value of the open country through land distribution in three to five case areas, which the rural municipalities themselves have selected. Realdania, which is one of the 15 parties in “Collective Impact - The open country as a dual resource”, has allocated a total of DKK 10 million to carry out land distribution and document the societal values in the case areas. Of this, CLF has been granted a small million kroner. Contact person Pia Heike Johansen piaj@sam.sdu.dk

Sustainable tourism in a rural perspective
The Center for Regional and Tourism Research is the leader of a project on the development of a sustainable tourism account. As part of the project, the Center for Rural Research works to describe sustainable tourism development from a rural perspective. This also means that CLF’s two tourism-related PhD projects on branding and collaborative relationships within tourism are put into play in a new framework.

Development jointly between local communities and municipalities
The purpose of this project is to investigate the democracy of the local communities and the development possibilities at submunicipality level in the rural areas of Denmark with a specific focus on the relationship between the municipality and the local community. Contact persons Annette Aagaard Thuesen, aat@sam.sdu.dk and Klaus Levinsen, khl@sam.sdu.dk.

Relocations of governmental jobs and the development of local labor market in rural district
Relocations of governmental jobs and the development of local labor market in rural district The project focusses on the meaning of governmental jobs and the changes it creates to the local employment in rural district.