Young Danish twins
All Danish twins born between 2001 and 2021 have received a letter from twin researchers in their own or their parents' digital mailbox. If you have received such a letter, you can help make twin studies of health and disease even better - also in the future.
Twins and Other Extraordinary Kinships: The Science and the Fascination
Twins have a universal fascination for both scientific professionals and members of the general public. Professor Dr. Nancy L Segal has specialized in twin research and she will give a DIAS lecture on the subject.
Cancer in twin pairs discordant for smoking
The discordant twin pair study design is powerful to control for familial confounding. We employed this approach to investigate the associations of smoking with several cancers.
What are the causes of cancer and why are some more susceptible to risk factors than others?
If we can understand the causes of cancer better, we can also prevent it much more precisely. Maria Timofeeva explains how she plans to use resources of the Danish Twin Registry to answer this question.
Anesthesia not linked to cognitive impairment
In a study of more than 8,500 middle-aged and elderly Danish twins published in Anesthesiology, researchers found no clinically significant association between major surgery and general anesthesia with long-term cognitive decline.
Vibrations can identify back injuries
Structural health monitoring (SHM) is an engineering technique used to identify mechanical abnormalities not readily apparent through other means.
Education is good for your health
Are familial factors underlying the association between socioeconomic position and prescription medicine? A register-based study on Danish twins.
Familial atrial fibrillation predicts increased risk of mortality. A study in Danish twins.
The mortality rate was 20% higher in twins who had a co-twin with AF than in twins without familial AF.
Familial Resemblance in Religiousness in a Secular Society: A Twin Study
Personal religiousness such as praying to God, believing in God, and finding strength and comfort in religion were more influenced by genetic factors than were social forms of religiousness such as church attendance.
Evidence from case-control and longitudinal studies
Supports associations of genetic variation in APOE, CETP, and IL6 with human longevity.
On the Origin of Rheumatoid Arthritis
The Impact of Environment and Genes — A Population Based Twin Study.
Growing old but not growing apart...
Twin similarity in the latter half of the lifespan. An investigation of age moderation regarding twin similarity in cognitive ability, depression symptomatology and hand grip strength in 2,332 Danish twin pairs aged 46-96 years.