Latest News
Newly hired SDU Professor with a passion for developing advanced materials for the generation of solar fuels
Professor Mirabbos Hojamberdiev (Khujamberdiev) has been appointed at the Mads Clausen Institute at SDU in Sønderborg. He researches how sunlight can transform water into green fuel—without any CO₂ burden— in the presence of photocatalytic materials.
From scented mobiles to optical gears: Three MCI researchers receive million-krone grants
With million-kroner grants from the Villum Foundation, three researchers from the Mads Clausen Institute will challenge the boundaries of science with projects on scent transmission via mobile phones, affordable, flexible solar cells, and optical gears in future computers.
The phone of the future can send scents
The TeleScent project at SDU has just received a grant from the Villum Foundation's Experiment programme. The researchers aim to add the sense of smell to our digital communication so that future phone calls will involve sound, video, and scent.
Research breakthrough
Research breakthrough in the development of stretchable flat screens
A collaboration between the University of Southern Denmark and Polyteknik AS has led to a groundbreaking breakthrough in stretchable flat screens. The new method opens up various innovative product possibilities, such as more durable and flexible screens for smartphones and tablets that can withstand bending and stretching.
SDU MCI at the forefront of NANOCHEM - a unique national infrastructure for imaging chemical information at the nanoscale
The Mads Clausen Institute at SDU in Sønderborg is spearheading NANOCHEM, a new national infrastructure that enables a greater understanding of how chemistry works at the nanoscale. Understanding these chemical processes is important as they are crucial in both the biological and electronic worlds. NANOCHEM is a collaboration between leading Danish universities with the University of Southern Denmark at the centre.
Research project brings colours of the past back to life
The TORCH project, which has received about 10.7 million DKK in support from the EU program Interreg Deutschland-Danmark, combines past colours with today's technology to preserve and shed new light on our national treasures.
New technology will improve environmental monitoring: The AutoSPAN project tracks PFAS contamination in real time
The AutoSPAN research project will tackle PFAS pollution and create a more sustainable future for our aquatic environment.
Hyperspectral Imaging
New Robot Can Make Life Easier for Winemakers. And It Might Improve the Wine That We Drink
Researchers from the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) are collaborating with Newtec and Capra Robotics to develop technology that can assist winemakers in assessing when the grapes in the vineyard are ready for harvest. Earlier this year, they were at Kimesbjerggaard Vineyard just outside Faaborg to test it.
Military technology
Danish technology wants to revolutionise thermal camouflage
The startup DECPT, led by former SDU-ph.d. Jeanette Hvam, has developed a new form of thermal camouflage that could change the game in warfare. The invention could not only save lives, but also shape the future of military technology.
Possible breakthrough in the production of artificial spider’s web
A team of researchers from SDU NanoSYD has developed a method that seems promising in relation to the production of artificial spider’s web.. Behind the breakthrough is a multi-year collaboration between the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Science at SDU.
The flat screen of the future can be round: SDU researcher wants to make stretchable electronics
Jakob Kjelstrup-Hansen from the Mads Clausen Institute has received a grant of DKK 2.9 million for a project that will develop stretchable electronics that can later be used in, among other things, clothing and biomedical implants.
New camera technology could revolutionize the recycling of plastic materials
A Danish three-leaf clover develops super-high-resolution hyperspectral cameras that determine our plastic waste's chemical composition and various additives. The technology will have a massive impact on future plastic recycling.
New Master's programme in Physics and Technology in Sønderborg
In 2024, the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) will launch a new Master's degree programme in Physics and Technology in Sønderborg. The programme allows graduates to work in fields such as energy technology, nanotechnology or medical technology.
SDU researchers will keep an eye on dangerous bacteria
Researchers from SDU's campus in Sonderborg are working with Canadian colleagues to develop a warning system that can detect dangerous bacteria and viruses that emerge as permafrost melts in the Arctic. The SDU researchers bring in-depth knowledge of sensors and monitoring of bacteria.
Villum Experiment: Million grants for researchers from the Mads Clausen Institute
The Experiment program aims to find answers to the big, the small and the really quirky research questions. On the list of the technical and scientific research projects that receive this year's Experiment grants, you will find three researchers from the Mads Clausen Institute, who will now have the opportunity to realize their creative ideas within the interaction of light with advanced materials.
Women in Science
On Friday, 22 April, SDU Sønderborg was able to present women in science in connection with Forskningens Døgn.
So ein ding: SDU can provide you with a very close look at the bumblebee
A whole new world opens up before you when you look through a microscope. At SDU, we have some very unique microscopes, which not only help our researchers but also companies, in connection with analysing and characterising materials and surfaces, which gives completely new insights into why a product may fail.
Curiosity drives nano scientist: Morten became professor at the age of 40
When you already can dress up with a professor’s title at the age of 40, you should think that a tight career plan lies behind it. However, this is not the case for Morten Madsen. Great research results and an academic career are just a by-product of an unquenchable curiosity to understand the world around him.
Scientists turn your face mask into a weapon against viruses
Researchers from SDU Sønderborg have, together with international colleagues, created a ground-breaking concept where nanoparticles with special properties can be integrated into textiles. This means that in future we may experience bandages or face masks, which protect against viruses and bacteria.
SDU signs strategic cooperation with Indian super-university
SDU and the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD) have signed an agreement to establish an IITD-SDU Collaborative Platform. The platform benefits not only the two universities, but also both Denmark and India.
Millions to NanoSYD researchers from Independent Research Fund Denmark
This year, 191 original projects received support for a total of DKK 668 million under the two instruments DFF-Forskningssprojekt1 and DFF-Forskningsprojekt2. Associate Professor Jakob Kjelstrup-Hansen and Professor MSO, Morten Madsen, are among the recipients - both from the research center NanoSYD at SDU.
Solar cells
New EU project will make your windows generate solar energy
Transparent solar cells can be used in windows. But until now, they have either not been particularly effective or very transparent. A project that also includes a group of Danish researchers from the Mads Clausen Institute at SDU in Sønderborg will change that.
New SDU equipment donated by Fabrikant Mads Clausen Foundation
Fabrikant Mads Clausen Foundation has showered SDU with donations and this for the benefit of both research and education at SDU.
BHJ prizes awarded to researchers from SDU in Sønderborg
One of Southern Jutland’s large humanitarian funds, the BHJ Foundation, awarded two research prizes at an event at SDU Sønderborg on 6 December. While the awardees and the prize-givers were physically present at Alsion, the audience could follow the ceremony online.
SDU researchers and Abena join forces to create face masks that neutralise and alert about corona
Nanoscientists from SDU and Abena, a production and trading company, want to create a face mask that not only neutralises the coronavirus but also alerts the user when the face mask comes in contact with the virus.
NanoSYD receives millions for research projects about green transition
The Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF) has granted money to three research projects at SDU NanoSYD. In two of them, SDU NanoSYD is leadpartner, whereas the third is a cooperation with the Technical University of Denmark (DTU).
Interview with Student Speech Award Winner Michela Prete at the Summer School Event 2020
Michela Prete was giving a speech at the Photovoltaic Summer School 2020 of the Southern Denmark University and the Technical Danish University and was awarded with the Best Student Speech Award.
Bronchitis medicine shows promise as COVID-19 medicament
After having virtually screened 640 existing medicinal products, researchers from Uppsala University and SDU found that the substance PC786 actively hits several SARS-CoV-2 receptors and thus turns out to be a candidate in the fight against COVID-19. The medicine clearly stands out from the others. The screening method can be used to find other promising candidates.
SDU researchers find effective remedy against COVID-19
Using computer simultions researchers at SDU NanoSYD have found a substance that may function as a weapon against COVID-19
Computer simulations help Danish researchers in the fight against COVID-19
Using computer simulations, researchers at SDU NanoSYD have found a substance that may fuctions as a weapon against COVID-19.
Villum Experiment millions for nano research at MCI
The researchers Jacek Fiutowski and Shailesh Kumar from the Mads Clausen Institute (MCI) at SDU both receive a shade under two million kroner from Villum Fonden in connection with the Villum Experiment programme. Their research can get a large impact on the IT-security and quantum computers of the future, respectively, as well as on new possibilities within, e.g. cancer treatment
Researchers discover superconductor with unexpected lattice configuration
An international team has discovered that compressing monocrystalline (TaSe4)2I can create a system where the constituent TaSe4Q1-D atomic chains are in amorphous state without breaking the orientational and periodic translation symmetries of the chain lattice.
Environmental challenge
Threats from the micro universe
Researchers today are concerned about possible health threats from the micro and nano universe. The invisible particles are all around us, in the food, in the water, in the air and even inside us, and while some may be harmful, others may be the next great medical revolution.
Scientists investigate the interplay between superconductivity and ferromagnetism for the development of quantum information technologies.
SDU NanoSYD researcher finds long-range magnetoelectronic excitations in hydrogenated boron-doped nanodiamond films.
Grant worth 6 million DKK for research in solar cells
In the Danish article on, you can read about the grant that NanoSYD has received from Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond for research in organic solar cells.
6 mio DKK to improve organic solar cells
In a Danish article on you can read about the new project between NanoSYD, KU and AU to improve organic solar cells funded by Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond.
Check the water quality on your mobile
The importance of having access to clean drinking water cannot be underestimated. Researchers at SDU NanoSYD are the leaders of a project proposal designed to develop an app that can check water quality.
SDU-researcher wins big prize, close to solving problem with organic solar panels
A veritable solar power revolution could be underway in the laboratories at NanoSYD, where Vida Engmann is working to make organic solar technology as stable as conventional PV panels. She now receives an international prize for her research.
Digital nose to cut food waste
Food Supply Magazine no. 17 brings an article about a sensor developed by SDU researchers to smell the freshness of meat and ensure a correct best-before date.
Scientific consensus for perovskite solar cells published in Nature Energy
The so-called perovskite solar cells are on the cusp of becoming a commercial breakthrough but, despite promising results, it has been difficult to compare the scientific breakthroughs because of differences in the description of progress. Together with an international research group led by Monica Lira-Cantu (ICN2, Barcelona) as well as Eugene Katz and Mark Khenkin (Ben-Gurion University, Negev), the solar cell group at SDU NanoSYD in Sonderborg have released a statement on the description of progress in connection to the stability of perovskite solar cells. The statement is published in the highly acknowledged research magazine Nature Energy.
MCI upgrades its research within smart materials – hires professor Yogendra Kumar Mishra
There is a strong upgrade going on at the Mads Clausen Institute at SDU. Professor Yogendra Kumar Mishra was hired, which ensures a unique position of strength of the research within three-dimensional smart materials.
Morten Madsen appointed professor wsr
MSc in Engineering, PhD in Functional Materials and Nanotechnology, wsr and head of research Morten Madsen has been appointed professor wsr (with special responsibilities) at the Mads Clausen Institute, SDU. Despite his only 40 years of age, Morten Madsen has already manifested himself as an internationally acknowledged researcher within organic solar cells.
Honorary doctorate award & guest lecture on 25 October
By Prof. Christof Wöll, Institute of Funtional Interfaces (IFG), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
NanoSYD Minisymposium on 18 October 2019
Minisymposium in connection with NanoSYD's 12 years' anniversary
Vida Engmann from SDU receives esteemed ‘For Women in Science’ Award
Three of Denmark’s most talented researchers within natural sciences received the ’For Women in Science’ Award on 15 May. One of those talented researchers is assistant professor Vida Engmann from SDU Sonderborg
Breakthrough for organic solar cells
Researchers from the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) in Sønderborg have achieved breakthrough within organic solar cells. They have succeeded in prolonging the lifetime of organic solar cells – a crucial point if organic solar cells are to compete with conventional silicon solar cells.
Danish research significantly increases the durability of organic solar cells
In an article in the Danish newspaper Ingeniøren you can read about Danish research that significantly increases the durability of organic solar cells
The man who makes the magic happen
Professor Sergey I. Bozhevolnyi is a pioneer within the research areas named Plasmonics and Nano Optics. Both hands are needed if you want to count the phenomena and concepts that can be ascribed the Danish top researcher of Russian origin. This is due to an indomitable will, a great imagination and a belief in the impossible. Now he is the latest recipient of the Villum Kann Rasmussen Annual Award in Science and Technology.
World class X-ray equipment for academic and industrial applications
The Mads Clausen Institute has acquired a SKYSCAN 2214 which is one of the finest x-ray tomographs in the world. It has an incredibly large resolution and can be applied in a large range of industry applications.
Save the date: Green PE conference on 25 January at Alsion
Beginning of next year, the Interreg project Power Electronics for Green Energy Efficiency (Green PE) runs a conference that provides the output of the project to anyone interested.
Jacek Fiutowski and IRCA receive BHJ Award
A happy and proud Jacek Fiutowski won the BHJ award as ‘Young researcher of the year’ on Friday, 2 November. The prize is given to SDU Sonderburg staff members below the age of 40. Jacek has asserted himself with ground-breaking research that has been filling front pages in acknowledged research magazines. Innovation Research Cluster Alsion (IRCA) received 100.000 kroner from the foundation.
Sensing platform to eliminate toxic nanoparticles
In an article in the Danish newspaper Ingeniøren you can read about the development of an instrument that makes the use of nanoparticles safe.
PhD defense by Golnaz Sherafatipour
PhD student Golnaz Sherafatipour with defend her PhD thesis titled "Degradation pathways in organic small molecule and hybrid solar cells".
SDU Sønderborg med besøg fra Down Under
Griffith University ved Gold Coast i Australien og SDU har igennem flere år haft et partnerskab i forbindelse med et PhD-program. I sidste uge aflagde Senior Deputy Vice Chancellor, Ned Pankhurst, SDU Sønderborg et besøg.
Nano test to ensure safety of future cosmetics and foods
Nanoparticles make their way into a broad range of products and help to optimise everyday life, but the tiny particles can also end up taking their toll on our health. The nanotechnology centres at the Mads Clausen Institute, NanoSYD in Sonderborg and Nanooptics in Odense, now received funding for a project that will test products for possible harmful particles.
Grant worth millions for solar panel group at NanoSYD
SDU has received a grant of DKK 5,566,800 from Independent Research Fund Denmark in Technology and Production. The grant will give impetus to research in organic solar panels, so that they can become a serious player in the commercial market. The large amount of money will strengthen the collaboration between SDU and a number of recognized international universities.
PhD defense by Elzbieta Karolina Sobolewska
PhD student Elzbieta Karolina Sobolewska with defend her PhD thesis titled "Organic Plasmonic Hybrid Systems for Optpelectronic Applications".
PhD defense by Pawel Cielecki
PhD student Pawel Cielecki with defend his PhD thesis titled "Time-resolved photoluminescence measurements of organic materials and devices".
SDU research wins space in prestigious scientific magazine
The Mads Clausen Institute at SDU Sønderborg is home to NanoSYD and NanoOptic, where research is conducted into the world's smallest building block. The two sections have simultaneously won space in a prestigious scientific magazine.
PhD defense by Mina Mirsafaei
PhD student Mina Mirsafaei will defend her PhD thesis titled "Plasmonic Nanostructures for Organic Solar Cells".
Kaunas Science Award to KTU Professor Sigitas Tamulevičius
This year's Kaunas Science Award was awarded to professor Sigitas Tamulevičius, Director of Kaunas University of Technology, director of the KTU Materials Science Institute. Professor Tamulevičius is also Honorary Professor at NanoSYD, University of Southern Denmark.
PhD defense by Bhushan Patil
PhD student Bhushan Patil with defend his PhD thesis titled "Interfacial layers and semi-transparent electrodes for large area flexible organic photovoltaics".
PhD defense by Mehrad Ahmadpour
PhD student Mehrad Ahmadpour with defend his PhD thesis titled "Metal-Oxide based interlayers for organic and perovskite photovoltaics".
SDU Sønderborg's connection with Arnold Schwarzenegger
In the film Terminator, Arnold Schwarzenegger sets about exterminating all humans on earth. Today, Schwarzenegger is trying to save humanity from the climate changes the world is facing. To that end, his advisor, Professor Jose Galizia Tundisi, has entered into a collaboration with SDU Sønderborg.
Danish-German Collaboration to Clear the Way for Ultra-Fast and Accurate Cancer Diagnosis
Improved and ultra-fast diagnosis of cancer. This is the primary objective of collaboration between University of Southern Denmark, Universität zu Lübeck, Odense University Hospital and UKSH Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein.
Head of Department at SDU Sønderborg receives "The Funen Nobel Prize"
The Head of the Mads Clausen Institute at the University of Southern Denmark in Sønderborg, Horst-Günter Rubahn, received a great honour on Thursday when he was awarded Fyens Stiftstidende's Researcher Prize 2017.
PhD defense by André Luis Fernandes Cauduro
PhD student André Luis Fernandes Cauduro will defend his PhD thesis titled "Growth, properties and applications of Mo Ox thin-films deposited by reactive sputtering"
PhD defense by Shakil Ahmed
PhD student Shakil Ahmed will defend his PhD thesis titled "Implementation of immunomagnetic separation (IMS) for the enrichment and automated detection of bacterial contaminants in flow through lab on the chip technology”
SDU to print cheap and ultra-thin solar panels
Researchers at SDU NanoSYD have succeeded in producing highly effective paper-thin organic solar panels. Now they will attempt to print out the solar panels in rolls several metres long so that the panels can be spread over roofs and cars.
Small donation makes a big difference
Donation from Danfoss Foundation for Education enables important experiments in-house.
100% Conference reveals need to study successful green-tech start-ups
Scientists and practitioners joined in discussion of future renewable energies at the binational series of annual conference on renewable energy and climate neutrality
New future for Danfoss technology at SDU
The new RollFlex centre was presented when Jørgen Mads Clausen visited the Mads Clausen Institute. Parts of the centre originate from a previous Danfoss production facility.
Six Mio. DKK to improve organic solar cells
New project aims to enhance the lifetime of flexible solar panels
PhD students have received travel grants from Foundation Idella
PhD students Pawel Piotr Cielecki and Bhushan Ramesh Patil have received travel grants from Foundation Idella for conducting a collaborative work in the field of organic photovoltaics.
Green power electronics project off to a good start
On March 16, the representatives of six Baltic Sea neighbours gathered to push the Interreg project 'Power Electronics for Green Energy Efficiency' off to a good start. The launch marks the beginning of an effort to increase green energy consumption by means of advanced power electronics.
Baltic TRAM-project to upscale research in the Baltic Sea Region
Three Million Euro investment intensifies strategic cooperation between research institutions and business in the Baltic Sea Region.
PhD defence by Arkadiusz Goszczak
PhD student Arkadiusz Goszczak will defend his PhD thesis titled "Nanostructures for Organic Solar Cells".
Research Award 2016 of the BHJ Foundation goes to Morten Madsen, Associate Professor
On 5 February 2016 the BHJ Foundation honoured Morten’s outstanding and systematic commitment in building up a group on ‘Organic Photovoltaics’ at the Mads Clausen Institute.
PhD student receives grant for collaboration with University of Liverpool
André Cauduro has received a travel grant for conducting a collaborative work with University of Liverpool.
PhD defense by Oksana Kostiucenko
PhD student Oksana Kostiucenko will defend her thesis titled "Generation and preservation of field enhancement for organic-plasmonic devices".
University cooperation to increase efficiency of solar cells
The Mads Clausen Institute has entered into cooperation with Aarhus University with the aim of increasing the efficiency of solar cells. The project is called SunTune and is supported by Innovationsfonden with a total of 23 million DKK.
Mads Clausen Institute participates in new solar cell project with Aarhus University
Siemens Foundation supports master projects
Master students from NanoSYD at the Mads Clausen Institute received a donation from the Siemens Foundation for their master projects for development of organic solar cells and light transistors.
Danfoss donations to the Mads Clausen Institute
The Mads Clausen Institute has received several donations from different Danfoss foundations over a period of time. The donations favour different purposes at MCI and contribute to the acquisition of equipment supporting teaching as well as research.
Extension for important honoray professorship
Honorary professor Dr. Katharina Al-Shamery’s cooperation with SDU has produced good results. The honorary professorship is now extended for five years
The ORION microscope – a ground-breaking instrument with a great number of application possibilities
Last Friday, the installation of the ORION helium ion microscope at the Mads Clausen Institute was celebrated with a launch event.
New beginning for Technet_nano
The partners parted with the EU project Technet-nano. At the same time, they put their names to continue working together.
PhD defence by Michal Radziwon
PhD student Michal Radziwon will defend his thesis titled 'Nano Structured Devices for Energy Generation – α-sexithiophene – Buckminsterfullerene interface in solar cells'.
PhD defence by Xuhai Liu
PhD student Xuhai Liu will defend his thesis titled 'Micro- and nano-scale organic light-emitting devices driven by alternating-current voltage'.
VELUX Visiting professor at NanoSYD
2 mill. DKK from the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation for new research project
Luciana Tavares from NanoSYD at The Mads Clausen Institute (MCI) just received a grant of 2 million kroner from the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation|Danish Council for Technology and Innovation for a project about investigations of a new optoelectronic component with applications within areas such as light sources, solar cells, and sensors.
Danfoss Uddannelsesfond supports MCI Science Show
How can we communicate natural sciences to young people in Sønderborg in order to increase their interest in the scientific study programmes and activities at University of Southern Denmark? This is a question that three young researchers from the Mads Clausen Institute tried to answer, so they decided to initiate a science show.
Seed funding for joint project with universities from Northern Germany
University of Southern Denmark has entered into collaboration with Hamburg University (UHH), Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (CAU), and Aarhus University with the objective to initiate, strengthen and expand cooperation within teaching, research, and other areas.
Project extension ensures cross-border collaboration
Grant from the German Research Foundation for research in plasmon propagation.
Poster prize for Xuhai Liu
On the SPIE Photonics Europe in Brussels from April 15-19, Xuhai's poster was chosen as the best among 42 posters in conference 8435.
New network in Baltic sea region supports nanotechnology
EU gives 16. million DKK to large international network in order to strengthen the high technological development in the Baltic sea region.