THEME: First year pedagogy - An example from the law programme at SDU Esbjerg
At SDU's brand new bachelor’s law programme at SDU Esbjerg, they have picked up the ball and have been working with various initiatives for the 50 new students
According to Per Andersen, teacher on the programme, and Ulrike Fleth-Barten, head of studies, the efforts start at the quota 2 interviews, where the emphasis is on establishing good relationships, in order to create psychological security. This security must enable students to have room to be learning and exploring in many ways. The teachers tried to be available during the first week of the programme, and they often participated in various events. They were available with various insights to make explicit the expectations of the students' efforts, social and working methods.
Other initiatives include the establishment of working communities in study groups and individual conversations with all students. The individual interviews give the students an experience that the educational institution is interested in them, and for the teachers it provides concrete knowledge about each individual student's interests, challenges and wishes. All of this is something that helps foster the respectful and secure relationships that are strived for as supporting elements for the culture of the new programme. Finally, in relation to the exam format, it has been decided that the students must work on a group project from the autumn holidays onwards. The intention is to give them time and peace to settle in as new students and find out how an exam task can be solved - jointly and with guidance. In order to avoid pressure regarding assessment, the project is graded as pass/fail, at the same time as the new students get to establish themselves as law students, with all that entails.
If you are interested in more details about the new initiatives at the BA programme in law, you are welcome to contact Per, and Ulrike We at SDUUP are also happy to contribute to your plans to support your new students.