Horst-Günter Rubahn and Alf Rehn admitted to 'Akademiet for de Tekniske Videnskaber.'
Professor and head of the Mads Clausen Institute, Horst-Günter Rubahn and Professor Alf Rehn have just been admitted as members of the Academy of Technical Sciences, and 38 others have been appointed because of their strong expertise and results.
ATV – the Academy of Technical Sciences – has strengthened the organization by admitting 40 new members. The members are elected to the Academy because they combine professionalism with a broad social outlook. The 40 new members are technology leaders and top researchers in their respective fields.
"It gives me great pleasure to welcome 40 new members to Denmark's strongest network for technology leaders. The new academy members best represent research, technology development and innovation in Denmark", says Lia Leffland, Academy Director of ATV.
"It was not difficult for the Selection Committee to find suitable candidates, as there were many strong candidates nominated for admission. The new members must now be involved in ATV's activities, where their pro bono work is supported by the secretariat", says Lia Leffland, academy director of ATV.
Unique membership composition
Around half of the Academy's members work in private companies, and the other half are employed at universities and knowledge organizations. This unique composition of members provides optimal conditions for creating collaborations across sectors and professional areas. The members' fields of work lie within technical science, natural science, digitization and health science, and related areas.
The new academy members are:
Institutleder, professor Horst-Günter Rubahn, Mads Clausen Instituttet, SDU
Sektionsleder, professor Ari Alf Mikael Rehn, Institut for Teknologi og Innovation, SDU
Managing Director Henning Højberg Kristensen, BITZER Electronics A/S
COO Anders Gram, Bactolife ApS
Institutleder, professor Andreas Roepstorff, Institut for Kultur og Samfund, AU
Professor Anne Ladegaard Skov, DTU Kemiteknik
CEO Astrid Haug, Astrid Haug Bureau
Lektor, viceinstitutleder Astrid Heidemann Lassen, Institut for Materialer og Produktion, AAU
Overlæge, professor Barbara Malene Fischer, Institut for Klinisk Medicin, KU
Professor, institutleder Birgit Schiøtt, Institut for Kemi, AU
Professor Birgitte Bak-Jensen, AAU Energi
Professor Cathrine Frandsen, DTU Fysik
COO & Co-Founder Charlotte Vedel, Lactobio A/S
Projektdirektør Christian Beenfeldt, Knowledge Hub Zealand
Professor, institutdirektør Claus Hélix-Nielsen, DTU Sustain
Professor, viceinstitutleder Daniel Enrique Lucani Rötter, Institut for Elektro- og Computerteknologi, AU
Udviklingschef Ditte Linde Thomsen, LIFE Fonden
Professor Gemma C. Solomon, Kemisk Institut, KU
CEO Hanne Christensen, FORCE Technology
Professor Huai Wang, AAU Energi
Vice President, Biometrics Ingrid Sofie Harbo, H. Lundbeck A/S
Institutleder Jakob Grue Simonsen, Datalogisk Institut, KU
Director, Innovation and Sustainability Jakob Strømann-Andersen, Henning Larsen
Professor, institutleder Jan Alexis Nielsen, Institut for Naturfagenes Didaktik, KU
Institutleder, professor Jan Westenkær Thomsen, Niels Bohr Institutet, KU
Senior Vice President Jens Brandt Bering, NIRAS A/S
Sustainability Manager Jesper Jerlang, Aasted ApS
Associate Digital Director Kenneth C. Kleissl, COWI A/S
Professor, gruppeleder Lars Juhl Jensen, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research, KU
Lektor, Head of Continuing Education Line H. Clemmensen, DTU Compute
Professor, dekan Marianne Holmer, Det Naturvidenskabelige Fakultet, SDU
Professor Mette Nyegaard, Institut for Medicin og Sundhedsteknologi, AAU
Scientific Director Morten Bache, Novo Nordisk Fonden
Professor Pernille Bjørn, Datalogisk Institut, Human-Centred Computing Section, KU
CTO Power to X Poul Georg Moses, Topsoe A/S
Executive Vice President Thomas Bech Hansen, FORCE Technology
CEO Thomas Krogh Jensen, Copenhagen Fintech
Vice President, Business Development Fuel Cells and Energy Storage Tue Johannessen, Alfa Laval AB
Professor, sektionsleder Ulrik Lund Andersen, DTU Fysik
Afsnitsleder Vibeke Reimer Borregaard, Aalborg Forsyning
The Academy of Technical Sciences is a private, independent organization that promotes innovation, technical and scientific research and education and strengthens cooperation between companies and universities. ATV works non-profit and bases the projects on the voluntary work of the 690 members. Read more about ATV and see the list of newly admitted members at www.atv.dk.