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Industrial Postdoc in the Public Sector

Deadline - 12th of September, 2024
Amount - 1.2 mio DKK for 3 years

Phone: +45 9190 5002

Innovation Fund Denmark invests in public Industrial Postdoctoral projects that create novelty and utility value for organisations, strengthen the universities' relationship with the public sector and give the student the opportunity to see his research applied in real life. The fund can invest in projects within three thematic focus areas and in projects outside the three thematic focus areas.


Collaboration between a public organisation, a research institution and an Industrial Postdoc candidate.

Co-financing of the organisation's expenses for the candidate's salary and travel activity as well as the research institution's expenses for the project.

How much?
Up to DKK 22,000 per month for the Industrial Postdoc candidate's salary and up to DKK 2,500 per month for the organisation's expenses for the candidate's travels. Up to DKK 10,000 (incl. overhead) for each month during the project period to cover the research institution's project-relevant expenses.

Innovation Fund