EUR 270,000 for deep sea research
Professor Ronnie N. Glud, Department of Biology, has received EUR 270.000 from the Atlas Consortium for studies of deep ocean seabeds.

Professor Ronnie N. Glud, Department of Biology, has received EUR 270.000 from the ATLAS Consortium, financed by The European Commision under Horizon2020.
The ATLAS Consortium is a partnership of multinational industries, small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), governments and academia to assess the Atlantic's deep-sea ecosystems and marine genetic resources to create the integrated and adaptive planning products needed for sustainable blue growth.
Ronnie N. Glud and his group will be part of the ‘Functional Ecosystems’ work package investigating the biogeochemical functioning of key seabed ecosystems in the Atlantic deep-sea. The key task of the SDU group is to quantify seabed mineralization rates at several complex deep-sea sites such as cold-water corals using the novel ‘eddy-covariance’ approach.
The ATLAS consortium of 25 partners consists of 12 universities, 5 SMEs, 4 government agencies and 4 national research centres.
Partners are drawn from Denmark, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal (incl. Azores), Spain, the UK and USA.
ATLAS is short for: A trans-Atlantic assessment and deep-water ecosystem-based spatial management plan for Europe.