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Strategy and profile
Job and contact
We are always looking for talent that can bring our research to new hights
A strategic focus on gender equality supports SDU in reaching a diverse recruitment of all talents and an inclusive and innovative working environment
Meet our assistant professor Di Wu, who is also affiliated with the Danish Institute for Advanced Study (DIAS)
Meet Our Team: Researcher
Meet postdoc Zhe Shen
Introducing Emil Lykke Diget, who succesfully defended his PhD thesis in November 2024 and now works at SDU Robotics as postdoc.
Meet Our Team: PhD
Meet our new engineer Tobias Ravn Jacobsen
Meet Our Team: Engineer
Meet our PhD student Zebin Duan
Meet our research assistant Rasmus
Meet our PhD student Marianne Viola Petersen
Meet our research assistant Guglielmo Borzone
Meet our new postdoc Bruno Oliveira
Meet our research assistant Xinyu Liu
Meet our PhD Yingfan Zhou
Meet our PhD Haegu Lee
Introducing Preben Holm, Associate Professor at SDU Robotics and Head of Programme for our cutting-edge robotics educations
Meet Our Team: Other Team Members
Meet our new team member, academic staff Peter Ratgen.
Meet our research assistant Victor Melbye Staven
Meet our PhD Rasmus Laurvig Haugaard, who will defend his PhD thesis on the 3. November, 2023.
Meet our associate professor Thorbjørn Mosekjær Iversen
Meet our associate professor Simon Faarvang Mathiesen
Meet our PhD Jonathan
Meet our research assistant Wilbert
Meet our PhD Erik
Meet our PhD Klara
Meet our DIAS professor Norbert Krüger
Meet our research assistant Emilia