PhD projects
The following projects are under preparation:
Josephine Ravnsborg Sig, RN, MSc. in Nursing
Is day surgery for everyone?/ Can day surgery be for everyone?
- A Participatory Design project to qualify the day surgery process so that more patients experience a safe and qualified pathway.
Principal supervisor: Jens Ahm Sørensen
Co-supervisor: Charlotte Nielsen, MSc. in Nursing, PhD,Department of Plastic Surgery and Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Odense University Hospital, Denmark
Expected start date: During 2023
Frederik C. Gulmark Hansen, MD
Topical tacrolimus: An anti-inflammatory approach for prevention and treatment of breast cancer-related lymphedema
Principal supervisor: Jens Ahm Sørensen
Co-supervisor: Jørn Bo Thomsen
Co-supervisor: Mads Gustaf Jørgensen
Expected start date: 01.03.2024
Undergraduate projects
The following projects are under preparation:
Regitze Størling,
Systematic review and meta-analysis: Immediate implant-based breast reconstruction - prepectoral VS subpectoral
Principal supervisor: Tine Engberg Damsgaard
Expected start date: 01.09.2024