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Feasibility of Biogas Upgrading at Ejby Mølle Wastewater Treatment Plant

© Rune Dal Andersen and Rune Kvols Rasmussen

Rune Kvols Rasmussen and Rune Dal Andersen

Bachelor Thesis – Energy Technology - 2017

This study investigates the feasibility of installing a biogas upgrading unit at Ejby Mølle Wastewater Treatment Plant, where the biogas produced currently is combusted in gas engines. The three most used technologies for upgrading are evaluated and the best one chosen for further research on the economics of such an upgrading unit at the wastewater plant.

The study concludes, that a membrane separation plant is the best solution for Ejby Mølle Wastewater Treatment Plant due to the circumstances at the facility. The study finds that the upgrading solution in most cases is favorable compared to the gas engines. By installing a membrane separation unit instead of new gas engines in the future, VandCenter Syd would be able to slightly lower the cost of water for their consumers. However, sensitivity analysis shows that the favorability of the technologies changes with the natural gas price, and that it therefore is important to further investigate how it might develop in the future.

Collaboration partners:
VandCenter Syd
Energiplan Fyn

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Last Updated 21.05.2019