Write your future
Join the student jury
You can be a part of the panel as we have 5 seats reserved for students.
We have 5 seats reserved for SDU students on the panel (preferably 1 student from each faculty).
If you are interested, please contact us at competition@sdu.dk, marked “Panel”, before April 20th. We will select from among the applicants if more than the maximum students apply.
The panel will gather in medio April to assess the short stories and select the 10 best stories. The panel will also participate in our virtual celebration.
Please note that all contributions will be blinded and that panel members are not allowed to participate in the competition.
Any questions? Contact us at competition@sdu.dk.

Lend us your voice
Share your story: Imagine a typical day in your life in the year 2025.
Join the student jury
You can be a part of the panel as we have 5 seats reserved for students.
The panel
A panel of SDU students, researchers from the 5 faculties and a representative from Politiken will select the winners.
Virtual celebration
You are all invited to a virtual celebration, where we will announce the top 10 short stories and award the winners.
About the project
How it all started and who to contact if you would like to know more.
What is Citizen Science?
Learn more on community-based research at SDU.
Last Updated 27.07.2024