Ongoing projects
Participation in IEA ISGAN Working Group 6 ‘Power T&D Systems
The "IEA ISGAN Working Group 6: Power Transmission and Distribution Systems" fosters innovation and collaboration to advance sustainable power systems globally. This project strengthens Denmark's involvement in WG6 through the expertise of SDU-CEI and ReMoni A/S, focusing on non-invasive grid measurement, harmonic diagnostics, predictive maintenance, and knowledge dissemination. It supports the development of sustainable and efficient power grids nationally and internationally.
Energy Informatics Academy Network Nordic (Annual Research Exchange, Conference and Summer School)
The Energy Informatics Academy Network Nordic (EIA Nordic) aims to create a sustained framework for collaboration in energy informatics through annual research exchanges, summer schools, and conferences. Focused on the Nordic region, this project fosters innovation and knowledge sharing in smart energy systems, sustainable energy, green transport, energy markets, and energy's societal impact. By engaging researchers, students, and industry experts, EIA Nordic strengthens the region's leadership in sustainable energy development, promotes interdisciplinary collaboration, and supports the professional growth of emerging experts.
The main objective of IEA DHC Annex TS9 is to explore the integration of digital processes in district heating and cooling (DHC) systems. This includes identifying the opportunities and challenges of digitalization for optimizing operations, improving efficiency, and overcoming barriers. Danish participants focus on innovative digitalization methods for business models, fault prediction, and knowledge dissemination within DHC systems.
Denmark's participation in IEA IETS Task XXII aims to strengthen the country's ability to adapt its energy-intensive industries to the challenges posed by climate change and the transition to renewable energy sources. This international collaboration focuses on improving the resilience of industries to extreme weather and other climate-related events while optimizing their energy use through advanced technologies like digitalization and artificial intelligence. By participating, Denmark seeks to gain insights from global experts, share its own knowledge, and ensure that its industries remain competitive, sustainable, and in line with both national and global environmental goals. The project will also support Denmark's broader strategy to lead in green technology and climate adaptation, providing valuable tools and frameworks that can be applied across various sectors of the economy.
Danish Participation in IEA Annex 91 - Open BIM for energy-efficient buildings
The IEA EBC Annex 91 project aims to:
- integrate energy efficiency assessment and optimization as a fundamental aspect within the framework of openBIM.
- establish the groundwork for openBIM processes and data models.
- enhance the interoperability and alignment of openBIM processes and data models, both nationally and internationally.
SDU Participation in IEA Annex 89 - Ways to Implement Net-zero Whole Life Carbon Buildings
IEA EBC Annex 89 will aid in steering the transformation of the building sector towards net-zero carbon emissions over the entire life cycle. Taking part in such international collaboration allows cementing Denmark position among the leaders in the field of energy efficiency in buildings and promotes the decarbonization of the building stock.
Energy Informatics Academy Nordic 2024
The two-day EIA Nordic 2024 will be held during the innovation festival at Dandy Business Park, Vejle, Denmark. The EIA Nordic 2024 program is designed to spark conversations and collaborations on emerging topics in the energy informatics domain among researchers, industry professionals, and public sector representatives from Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, and beyond.
PowerGridOptimiser solution aims to address the following specific needs:
- Predictive warning of coming cable failure and RUL estimation, to keep the healthy cable in operation much longer. When the cables degenerate, nano-cracks are formed leading to partial discharge-events (PD-events). By efficient continuous measuring and analyzing these events throughout the grid, the cables can be maintained proactively, and a cost-efficient and stable grid is ensured. RUL estimation which is not currently possible with the existing information is a key input for underground cable renovation planning.
- Management of the load over time to optimize the grid utilization and lower the energy loss.
- Identify sources of harmful harmonics and spikes in the grid to ensure good power quality and avoid loss.
Participation in IEA DHC Annex TS6 ‘Status assessment, ageing, lifetime prediction and as-set management of District Heating (DH) Pipes’
The purpose of the project is to ensure Danish participation in IEA DHC Annex TS6. The Annex is focused on "Status Assessment, Ageing, Lifetime Prediction, and Asset Management of District Heating (DH) Pipes".
Danish Participation in IEA IETS Task XXI - Decarbonizing industrial systems in a circular economy framework
This project aims to ensure Danish participation in IEA IETS Annex Task XXI - Decarbonizing industrial systems in a circular economy framework. The main goal of IEA IETS Annex Task XXI is to investigate the two topics of carbon capture technologies in the industry and industrial symbiosis. To achieve its goal, Annex Task XXI will arrange various knowledge-sharing and dissemination activities that will be led by industrial and academic experts. These activities have their offspring in two sub-tasks (Circular Carbon and Industrial Symbiosis) that have been identified through a series of meetings held by country experts and industry stakeholders. The two tasks will be conducted by the Annex participants via various activities, e.g., meetings, presentations, conferences, publications, and reporting. The knowledge-sharing and dissemination activities will be conducted in both physical and online forms to ensure a broad national and international outreach.
Dansk deltagelse i IEA ES Task 43 “Storage for renewables and flexibility through standardized use of building mass”
The main goal of IEA ES Task 43 is to is to prepare the storage technology for widespread integration on an international level, harnessing the benefits of this type of storage on local, quarter, and city levels respectively. There are existing implementations and activities in international markets, however, standardized fabrication and construction methods as well as cost predictions and flexibility-related business models are missing and hampering market uptake. The proposed task will generate the necessary answers to those key barriers through the collaboration of many international experts working on the topic and through learning from best practice examples. The generated results will be prepared and made available for the public and most importantly relevant stakeholders. This will form the foundation for a constant increase in thermal-activated building mass deployment in new or refurbished buildings, enabling them to more efficiently consume locally generated renewable energy and to act as flexibilities for thermal and electricity grids.
DanRETwin: A Digital Twin solution for optimal energy retrofit decision-making and decarbonization of the Danish building stock
The project will design, develop, and demonstrate the first-of-its kind Digital Twin solution (DanRETwin) for optimal energy retrofit decision-making support, retro-commissioning, and data-driven performance optimization of non-residential existing buildings.
Leveraging Smart Meter Data to Optimize Grid Investments
The purpose of this project is to develop a software-based toolset that enables distribution system operators to improve the maintenance and asset management of their grid through prescriptive maintenance and predictive asset management.
DECODE: Data-driven best-practice for energy-efficient operation of industrial processes - A system integration approach to reduce the co2 emissions of industrial processes
This project will deliver an IoT-Edge computing and Cloud-based software platform that allows the manufacturing and process industry to automatically collect and analyses energy consumption and production data to determine best operation practice for minimizing energy use and CO2e emissions while ensuring product quality and process throughput.
INNOMISSION II: MissionGreenFuel - Digitalization and test for dynamic and flexible operation of PtX components and systems (DYNFLEX)
This project aims to develop a roadmap for Green Fuels in Transport and Industry, provide a consolidated call for action through three periods leading to 2023/24, 2030 and 2030-2050 respectively, on the approach to green fuels in transport and industry in Denmark, building on multiple workshops and interviews involving a large number of the most significant Danish stakeholders across research organisations, innovation and knowledge sharing institutions, trade organisations and companies including technology and energy providers and future off-takers of green fuels.
Buildings represent a high share of peak electricity demand, but thanks to their slow thermal inertia they also offer the potential to be one of the lowest cost opportunities for providing the flexible demand needed to support increasing levels of variable renewable energy resources in electricity grids. To activate and scale this latent flexible demand opportunity, new data-driven software services are needed. ADRENALIN aims at facilitating large scale roll-out of data services and smart controls in the existing building stock. By collecting a large and varied pool of measurement data from real buildings (data sandbox), ADRENALIN will crowdsource to data challenge competitions the development of new algorithms. The best-performing solutions will be implemented in real-life conditions on the digital platforms of the partner companies to test their general validity and replicability, and to demonstrate real-life performance.
Driver Coach
The DRIVER COACH project will apply innovative advanced technology to deliver superior fuel efficiency above and beyond the current state-of-the-art. This is achieved by the real-time continuous nudging of drivers towards best-practice performance in driving style. The new DRIVER COACH operating model includes an AI supported analysis of the style of the individual driver and exploits infrastructure GIS mapping to predict immediately upcoming infrastructure elements that offer fuel saving opportunities for any driver on any route.
Digital Energy Hub
The Digital Energy Hub aims to create an open data-driven innovation environment to promote the development of intelligent energy systems, by strengthening 1) the ecosystem around data-driven business development, 2) the development of new technology, including intelligent solutions, service platforms and new business models, 3) development of new types of collaborations across sectors, 4) the fulfillment of the Danish climate objectives, 5 ) access to capital and talent and 6) the Danish position of strength within green-tech.
In future smart buildings, digitalization is going to establish new levels of efficiency, security and comfort. The project is a step forward towards establishing digitalization in the building sector and enhancing the energy efficiency in buildings through the development and demonstration of a holistic building Digital Twin platform. The Digital Twin combines building models and real-time data to aid decision support over the whole building life cycle.
Danish participation in IEA IETS Annex Task XVIII - Digitization, artificial intelligence and related technologies for energy efficiency and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in industry
The main goal of IEA-IETS Annex XVIII is to stimulate the technology adoption of digital solutions for improving energy efficiency and reducing GHG emissions in the process industry. To achieve its goal, Annex XVIII will orchestrate purpose-driven dissemination activities that will be led by digitalization and sector experts. These activities have their offspring in four tasks that have been identi-fied through a series of meetings held by country experts and industry stakeholders. The four tasks will be conducted by the Annex participants. The dissemination activities will be conducted as online and physical meetings, and serves to disseminate the deliverables of the four tasks.
The findings of this project will provide worthwhile information for Indonesian energy authorities, the transmission grid operator (PLN), market players, and potential investors. Communicating the results of the research with the Indonesian policymakers and operators will help them to assess energy trends and energy policy directions.
District heating plays an important role in facilitating a transition towards cleaner energy in Denmark. In today’s digital district heating technologies, data validation and reconstruction are either missing or done to a limited extent. This has to change to unleash the full potential of digitalization. Currently, district heating distribution companies take a reactive “wait till it breaks” approach to maintenance which is accompanied by non-efficient planned maintenance. There is an urgent need for smarter and proactive maintenance strategies.
Worldwide buildings consume about 40 percent of the overall energy resources and contribute to an average of 30 percent of the global carbon emission. Hence, technologies for improving the energy efficiency of buildings play an important role in the global fight against climate change.
Danish participation in IEA EBC Annex 83 - Positive Energy Districts
The aim of Annex 83 is developing an in-depth definition and demonstration of Positive Energy Districts (PED) and the technologies, design and modeling methodologies, planning tools and the decision-making processes associated with PED.
Smart Fault
The electric power distribution grid plays an important role in facilitating transition towards cleaner energy. Although Denmark ranks among the best countries in Europe in terms of security of supply, faults do occur in the Danish power grid and they are costly. Faults in the distribution grid, mostly due to infrastructure aging, are the main cause for disruption in the supply of electricity. There is an urgent need for smarter and proactive maintenance strategies and better asset performance management and planning. Fault prediction and location plays a key role in addressing this need.
Concluded projects
Danish participation in IEA DHC Annex TS4 ‘Digitalisation of District Heating: Optimised Operation (and Maintenance) of District Heating and Cooling Schemes via Digital Processes Management’
The main goal of IEA DHC Annex TS4 is to promote the opportunities of the integration of digital processes into district heating and cooling systems and to clarify the role of digitalization for different parts within the operation (and maintenance) of the district heating and cooling system; offer insights on how digitalization impacts the district heating industry, system suppliers, showcases the current state of the art, identifies barriers and presents objectives, targets and recommendations.
AI-based forecasting framework for sector coupling between electricity grids and district heating
This project aims to develop an advanced AI based forecasting to assist the industry and district heating companies in utilizing sector coupling with the electricity grid more easily. By using accurate forecasting techniques based on artificial intelligence methodologies, future peak load periods can be identified and electricity consumption for heating can be shaved more efficiently and easily.
ClusterSoutH2 - Designing a PtX Ecosystem in Southern Denmark
The proposed project will involve all stakeholders in the PtX energy ecosystem, in a joint effort for designing and evaluating new digital sector coupling solutions, comprising both data-driven services and business models, for effective sector coupling; Mapping and evaluation of the potential for participation of PtX plants in the electricity markets.
GreenLab designer Lite
GreenLab designer Lite aims to develop and demonstrate a decision support tool for design of eco-industrial parks energy systems. The tool will integrate technologies in sector coupling and demand side management to enable industrial park operators to mitigate the need for new energy infrastructure investments in case of new park participants. The tool will devise ways to reduce the park energy peak loads and optimize the internal energy balance. Furthermore, the tool will assist in calculating the dynamic energy consequences of future infrastructure investments or future park prosumers thereby providing decision support for the needed energy infrastructure during the continued growth of the park.
FlexPtX aims to develop the first-kind interoperable digital twins of Power-to-X (PtX) production process and electricity market, for evaluating the feasibility of PtX production facilities’ participation in electricity markets through flexible operations, particularly focusing on the potential conflict between fuel (X) production and operational cost.
Data-driven energy monitoring and optimization of industrial processes
This project is a feasibility study on the digitalization of industrial production processes. The project aims to investigate how the production processes can be instrumented with smart meters and sensors to collect energy and production data. Better insight into the energy consumption of their production processes is expected to provide companies with the data required to make evidence-based decisions in production planning and execution that can reduce energy consumption and CO2e emissions.
Big Data Driven Hybrid AI Method for Energy Demand Forecasting and Operational Planning in Industrial Greenhouse Production
This project aims to develop a big data driven hybrid AI method for forecasting the energy demand of industrial greenhouse plant production. Energy demand forecast provide necessary information for planning and optimizing the operation of a grid connected local energy system that is based on distributed renewable energy resources. The application of the method provides the means for optimizing the operation of the local energy system and the operational planning of the interaction with the main grid in response to different energy pricing models.
Danish participation in IEA EBC Annex 81 - Data-Driven Smart Buildings
IEA-EBC Annex 81 addresses digitalization of the building stock as a mean to improve energy efficiency and integrate buildings with the energy grids.
Digital Twin for the integration of industrial consumers in energy markets
The general aim of this project is to provide the tools to encourage the participation of flexible consumers – and more specifically large industrial consumers - in energy markets.
ZEM Ports NS
This project will facilitate the use of zero emission fuels (electric and hydrogen) in the North Sea region ports and maritime sector by addressing the integration of zero emission fuels into the port refueling infrastructure and local energy systems as well as port and on-ship energy storage.
Flexible Energy Denmark (FED)
This project targets the development of intelligent adaptable energy storage solutions for maximizing output from existing green energy production solutions and minimize investment needs in the utility sector at DSO level and investment needs in new energy production facilities. Furthermore, the project aims at optimization at TSO level and at aims at creating a basis for supporting BRP markets.
Greenhouse Industry 4.0
This project aims to secure a position for the Danish horticultural greenhouse Industry as the world leader in energy efficient and environmentally sustainable production. The project will achieve the aim by adopting the application of the Industry 4.0 Digital Twin concept to the Danish horticulture greenhouse industry.
Denmark is one of the leading countries in terms of sustainable energy sources, smart grids, and innovative district heating systems – with an expressed goal of maintaining this position in the future. The Center for Energy Informatics (CEI) has rapidly acquired an extensive expertise in modeling, optimization and control of technologies within these topics over the last number of years. Such a progress would not be possible without a solid collaboration with international leaders in these fields.
This project is driven by industry and customer needs. It responds to the increasing demands for energy efficiency, comfort, and safety in the buildings sector. The project brings together academic researchers, industrial companies and public partners, to develop and demonstrate an innovative first-its-kind software for automated BMS auditing and continuous building commissioning.
Big Data and eco-innovative resource use in the NSR Greenhouse industry - greening the growth in horticultural production.
Tsinghua Collaboration
Objective of this collaboration project: Research on BMS and EMS integration and optimization.
The NeGeV project objective is to develop the next generation of HVAC, offering a technological quantum leap in HVAC solutions.
The project aims to identify potentials for optimize effectiveness and business case of the cooling houses and identify potential flexibilities that can be offered to the energy system.
The project aims to increase the link between production and consumption in different types of supply by increasing the level of knowledge about the electricity market for the players who are going to drive the green transition. In the smart energy system, the electricity market will be the focal point for the interaction between production and consumption and for the different modes of supply. Most smart energy technologies (heat, water, gas, electricity, etc.) will participate in the smart energy system by trading electricity and electricity power through the electricity market.
The purpose of the project is to establish an ‘Energy Live Lab - Vejle Nord’, where relevant smart energy solutions can be tested and demonstrated in one existing urban area, based on existing supply infrastructures, buildings and consumers. Establishment of the platform Energy Live Lab aims to stimulate innovation collaborations, create optimizations and synergies, across the types of supply, and thereby support the development of Denmark's future energy system.
Danish participation in IEA EBC Annex 67 - Energy Flexible Buildings
The aim of ANNEX67 is to increase knowledge on and demonstrate the Energy Flexibility buildings can provide for the energy grids and to identify critical aspects and possible solutions to manage this Energy Flexibility.
IT-solutions for public buildings with multiple use involving users (Living Lab)
The goal of the project is to develop IT-solutions for improving energy efficiency in public buildings used for multiple purposes involving the users of the buildings. Buildings account for approximately 40% of Denmark’s energy consumption so making buildings more energy efficient are of vital importance in reducing the overall energy consumption.
Towards the Thermal Grid
Center for Energy Informatics is part of the project: ”Towards the Thermal Grid” together with GeoDrilling, EWII Energi A/S, Transition, NorthQ, Kamstrup, IC Meter and the Municipality of Middelfart.
FlexReStore: Flexible Retail Stores
The focus of the FlexReStoreproject is to seek the potential and design solutions for implementing Smart Grid technology in the retail sector.
ODEx - Open Data on Human Behavior
The purpose of ODEx is to map human behavior and use it for optimizing the built environment such as buildings, squares, paths, and parks.
Power Monitor
The purpose of the project is to test, modify, demonstrate, and document an alarm that monitors technical installations and electricity consuming machines and devises with the purpose of reducing the energy consumtion and optimize the performance.
COORDICY: ICT-driven Coordination for Reaching 2020 Energy Efficiency Goals in Public and Commercial Buildings
COORDICY is a strategic DK-US interdisciplinary research project for advancing ICT-driven research and innovation in energy efficiency of public and commercial buildings.
The purpose of the project IoTStyring is through Internet of Things (IoT) and digitalisation technologies to develop and test an innovative concept for energy efficient control of floor heating, ventilation, and lighting all in one.
Demand-Response Capacity Management in Commercial Buildings
The project’s objective is to demonstrate how smart grid technology will enable operators of commercial buildings to provide flexibility services to existing flexibility markets and to DSOs as a set of DSO specific demand-response services defined in the iPower project.
A Living Lab for Energy Efficient Public Buildings based on ICT solutions
The project goal is to establish a living lab for improving the energy efficiency of public buildings based on ICT solutions that account for the behaviour of occupants. Buildings account for a high energy consumption as buildings are responsible for around 40 % of the energy consumption in Denmark it is important to improve the energy efficiency of buildings to minimize the total energy consumption.
Danish participation in IEA EBC Annex 66
The target of Annex 66 is to set up a standard occupant behavior definition platform, establish a quantitative simulation methodology to model occupant behavior in buildings, and understand the influence of occupant behavior on building energy use and the indoor environment.
Optimization of heat distribution in autoclaves
KEA Phønix and Center for Energy Information in collaboration on optimization of heat distribution in autoclaves.
Energy efficient heat pumps will play a crucial role in the future sustainable energy system. The overall goal of the present project is to develop the Scientific and technological Foundation for high efficient heat pumps using magnetocaloric technology.
Smart Grid Ready Energy Cost Efficient Lighting System for Green House Horticulture
This project will enable commercial greenhouses to become prosumers by developing the Next generation of energy cost efficient supplemental lighting systems, that utilize the physiological flexibility of crops to provide balancing services in the Danish Smart Grid anno 2020.
Micro Grid Living Lab
The Micro Grid Living Lab is s platform that provides the opportunity for businesses:
• To develop and test new products in cooperation with researchers
• To test their product in a grid consisting of other products and end-users
Green Growing
This project has to aims. The one aim is to spread out the knowledge already available about saving energy in the greenhouse growing industry. The second aim is to create new knowledge, that can reduce energy costs in commercial greenhouses.
Intelligent control of lighting based on daylight, weather forecasts and energy prices
Energy research in artificial lighting has shown, that if the artificial light sources are dynamically controlled, significant energy savings can be achieved. In office lighting significant energy savings has been achieved by combining an energy efficient lighting system with daylight and contrast control. In some cases up to 75% compared to the existing installation.