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Better safety for the seafarers

New measures to protect seafarers

The first meeting of a Special Tripartite Committee established under the ILO’s Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC 2006) has just taken place in Geneva. Two of the main issues addressed at the meeting were the issues of abandonment of seafarers and a rapid settlement of claims for compensation in case of a seafarer’s death or long-term disability. The new measures to protect seafarers were adopted at the meeting without opposition, and they will now be sent to ILO’s international Labour Conference in May/June for approval.

The ILO Director Guy Ryder states that when these new measures come into force, they will ensure the welfare of the world’s seafarers and their families if the seafarers are abandoned, or if death or long-term disability occurs as the result of occupational injury, illness or hazard.

A CMSS publication from 2013 deals with the subject Social security for seafarers globally.
Editing was completed: 20.05.2014