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Mental & physical health and well-being for seafarers and offshore workers in the North Sea

Healthy and content employees is one of the essentials to ensuring safe and efficient employees. However, previous research has shown that the maritime sector has a range of serious occupational health challenges, including high prevalence of obesity, smoking, cardiovascular risk factors, culturally diverse food habits and irregular mealtimes. High stress levels due to excessive work demands, long work hours, reduced duration and quality of sleep, physical impacts are also prevalent together with low levels of physical activity. Offshore workers have similar issues, although they are not so significant.

The SEEDS project focuses on sowing a seed in every employee onboard the vessel to engage in a healthier work life onboard. SEEDS stand for Stress and mental health, Exercise, Effective teams, Diet and Smoking. The project is connected to United Nations SGDs, #3 Ensuring a healthier life for all and promoting well-being for all ages, and #8 Promote decent work and economic growth.

The project will use both qualitative and quantitative data gathered from 6 sea passages in the North Sea, including on site workshops, coaching sessions, questionnaires, and interviews. This is not the first time that CMSS is undertaking research in occupational health, and the project builds on the results from previous studies. The seafarers and offshore workers involved will benefit from the research project results, as will the scientific field, in the form of academic articles and presentations. The companies involved will receive a report that compiles the results from the project.

Project group
Senior researcher Lisa Loloma Froholdt (project leader)
Senior researcher Hanna B. Rasmussen

Timeline and economy
The project runs from February 2020 until the end of August 2021 and is supported and financed by Triton Knoll and ESVAGT.

Read newspaper coverage of the project (Ugeavisen Esbjerg, March 2021 ) Only in Danish.

Last Updated 20.10.2023