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Required Work and Secondary Employment

Required work

The required work is performed at the department where you are employed and by more detailed agreement with the department and your PhD supervisor. The required work must be of relevance to the project, research interests and career plans. The duties must be timetabled so that they fit into your PhD plan, and they must not prevent you from completing your project, attending courses or going abroad.

The department is responsible for the ongoing registration of the tasks carried out, for calculating the number of hours worked and for informing  you and your principal supervisor about registered and planned required work relating to, for instance, performance and development reviews, long-term planning, calculating normative hours or the like.

Hours of work are calculated as follows: 

  • Teaching: 5 hours per teaching hour.
  • Instruction: Two and a half hours per teaching hour.
  • Supervision of students: All hours in connection with preparation, meetings, following up and examinations.
  • Research/exposition/research assistance: All hours are included, provided that the work involved is not of direct relevance to your thesis.
  • Presentations: All hours are included – also for preparation and doing the presentation.
  • Membership of the PhD committee or participation in committee work at the Faculty: All hours are included or there is a fixed standard rate per task.


As a PhD student, you may not perform tasks of an administrative nature.


In the case of disagreement between you, the department and/or your principal supervisor regarding the nature, extent or timing of required work, the Dean makes the final decision regarding the required tasks in consultation with the Head of PhD School.


Secondary employment

In special circumstances, the Head of the PhD School can give permission for secondary employment to a lesser extent if the employment is of academic relevance to your PhD project. For example, this could be the completion of a task begun before receiving confirmation of your enrolment in the PhD programme.

If you wish to apply for permission for secondary employment, you must prepare a motivated application and include a recommendation from your principal supervisor and the Head of Department. Permission is granted by the Head of PhD School.

Last Updated 15.03.2024