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The programme is structured in compulsory courses in the first two semesters, elective courses in the third semester, and a Master's thesis in the fourth semester.  The compulsory courses cover the following topics: 

Advanced Principles of Strategy – justifies, critiques, and nuances the standard strategic management tools by understanding the theoretical principles that drive identification of sources of superior performance at industry, partnership, and firm level 

Advanced Principles of Organization – provides a comprehensive understanding of the theoretical principles by which firms organize to attain their goals in an efficient manner, including principles driving the fundamental challenges and solutions in doing so  

Advanced Management Principles – provides an introduction to advanced managerial trade-offs that organizational decision makers face, including how to distribute or pool responsibilities, how to aggregate or disaggregate tasks, and how to share, split or negotiate incentives 

Business Strategy – applies principles of strategy to deal with how firms gain and sustain competitive advantages as an individual business, e.g., by how they position themselves in markets by developing coherent strategies and adapting their business model in dynamic environments  

Corporate Strategy & Organization Design – applies principles of organization and strategy to cover how firms can create and sustain value from operating multiple businesses simultaneously, and how to organize to create and sustain such value, e.g., to realize synergies 

Experimental Methods for Management Decisions – introduces scientific methods that can improve the quality of management decisions, i.e., principles of experimental design applied to the management context to generate reliable evidence and advanced statistical tools for rigorous testing of hypotheses  
Students enrolled from 1st February will commence with the courses shown as 2nd semester courses in the diagramme. They will then proceed with the courses shown as 1st semester the following autumn.


Curriculum and course descriptions

You can read more about the programme in the curriculum.

You can read more about the courses in the course descriptions.