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Meet Louise who is studying the programme BSc in Economics and Business Administration – Global Business Relationships

What is the best thing about studying Global Business Relationships?

The best thing about studying Economics and Business administration - Global Business Relationships is that we get an understanding of, how a company is built, and how a company works – not only in Denmark, but also internationally.

We learn not only about theory, but also on how to use our knowledge in practical situations by solving some concrete tasks presented by a company.  This helps us to be better prepared for the future – in relation to our work life.

What is the best thing about studying at the University of Southern Denmark?

The best thing about studying at the University of Southern Denmark is that there is a positive atmosphere at the university.  SDU is a very open and modern university with really good facilities that provides a good setting for studying. There are good opportunities and space, where you can study together, and this helps motivate one to study more.

SDU offers many different, unique materials that you can use in connection with your study. Also, SDU is the place, where you can really be yourself, because there is room for everyone.

The community at SDU is absolutely amazing. There are many international students from different countries, and most of us live in the same college. It helps to establish close contacts and a vibrant social life in the spare time, but also during our studies. The different people help make the place unique.

What do you want to work with after you have finished your studies?

Since my line of study is international, I will use my education to work in an international company.  The study educates one in a theoretical and practical, but also linguistic, social, and cultural manner – in order to work in an international environment.


An international environment

70 % of the students are foreign, and 57 different nationalities are represented. This creates an international environment and because of the relatively small-sized campus with 1,100 students, you get intense lectures with good dialogues and discussions.

The social aspect is really great and due to the common language, English, you feel as one nationality instead of 50 different. The small campus also gives you the opportunity of getting to know not only the students on your own programme, but also engineering and humanities students, because departments are working across each other in different courses.

Merete, student at Global Business Relationships