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Prizes and honours

The Teaching Prize

The Innovation Prize

The Research Dissemination Prize

The TAP Prize

Prizes at SDU’s Annual University Celebration

In connection with the Annual University Celebration, SDU awards four prizes for special efforts: The Teaching Prize, the Innovation Prize, the Research Dissemination Prize, and the TAP Prize. Each prize comes with a DKK 25,000 award.

For the Teaching Prize, the Innovation Prize and the Research Dissemination Prize, the prizes are awarded to one employee, and each prize cannot be shared with other persons. It is also a requirement that the prize recipients are permanent employees and continue to work at SDU. It is also a prerequisite for receiving a prize that you are present at the Annual University Celebration.

The TAP Prize was awarded for the first time in 2021. All technical/administrative staff members at all levels are eligible for nomination. The prize must go to a TAP or a group of TAPs who have made a name for themselves in the past year, e.g. by having made a special effort in the implementation or fulfilment of SDU’s strategic goals; or by having helped to create a positive working environment in their unit and at SDU as a whole. Each faculty and the Central Administration as a whole can nominate a candidate. You are very welcome to nominate technical/administrative staff from other departments and/or faculties/areas than your own.

Proposals must be accompanied by a CV (max. two pages) and approximately half a page of reasons for why the candidate in question should be nominated to receive either the Teaching Prize, the Innovation Prize, the Research Dissemination Prize or the TAP Prize. Please notice that the nominations must include the academic title and the justification must be written in Danish. 

Please email your nominations to Jette Demuth Andersen - . The time limit is June 9, 2023. 

On the basis of submitted nominations, the Executive Board decides who will receive this year’s prizes at the Annual University Celebration. The prize winners will be notified by the Rector's Office that they will be awarded the prize at the Annual University Celebration. In addition to the joint prizes, the faculties may choose to award prizes for the individual faculties. Those nominees who were not selected to receive the prize at the Annual University Celebration will be notified by the faculty.

Appointments at SDU’s Annual University Celebration

In connection with the Annual University Celebration, SDU appoints a number of honorary doctorates as well as an honorary alumnus.

Additional prizes

Fyens Stiftstidende's Fellowship

Fyens Stiftstidende's Research Award

Last Updated 28.02.2024