- China-Nordic Arctic Cooperation Symposium
- Call for paper
We would like to invite you to submit papers to the journal NAVEIÑ REET: Nordic Journal of Law and Social Research (NNJLSR). Based on two workshops in Copenhagen and Wuhan two special issues of NNJLSR with the theme is Law and Transitional Society will be produced. The language of the journal is English. Most of us have not English as our first language. Please remember to have language proofreading, before you sent your papers. The journal cannot offer that service.
All contributions will have to pass a blind peer review process as well as the acceptance of the editors, which will be Rubya Mehdi and Bent Ole Gram Mortensen. Writers are requested to improve their papers in the light of peer reviewers and editor’s comments.
The deadline for sending papers is 15 June 2016. Please sent your contribution to and We have already received some papers. If you already have sent your paper, you do not need to resent it.
Following is the link to “Guide lines for the authors”: At the same homepage you can find old issues of the journal. The length of an article is 3000 to 6000 words.
Please remember to use the Harvard bibliographic system. In the main text, the reference or quotation is annotated in parentheses with the surname of the author, the date of publication of the work and the page number from which the quotation was taken. The full bibliographic details are then provided in a list of the references at the end of the work.”
- 21-22 March 2016: In Helsinki the Finnish China Law Center will organize a China Law Research Workshop lead by Professors Alan C. Neal and Ronald Brown. The workshop will include a Nordic Networking Meeting
See workshop programme.
- On august 19th and 20th, 2015 the research group for Legal Culture at the Faculty of Law at the University of Bergen in Norway arranged a workshop titled “Legal Culture - tradition and change”. Presentations were given by researchers from Renmin University, Tsinghua University and the University of Bergen. From the Danish Forum for Chinese Law and Chinese Legal Culture Prof. Bent Ole Gram Mortensen gave a presentation with the title “The new Trademark Law of the P.R.C.”.
See presentation-slides.
- June 2015, Professor Ditlev Tamm and Professor Bent Ole Gram Mortensen participated in a trip arranged by the Finnish China Law Center visiting Fudan University Law School, The Nordic Center and The Chinese Academy of Social Science (CASS).
Professor Tamm helped a Keynote Speech on Comparative Law from a Global Perspective and Professor Mortensen was Chair & Discussant in a Panel regarding Economic and Business Law
See Agenda for the visit.