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Research at the Department of Law is organised into four research groups and a centre

Public law

The research group deals with research on public law issues, and its members are divided into four sub-groups: constitutional law, general administrative law, special administrative law and tax law.

Among other things, the group is involved in the research collaboration Green Transition.

Contact head of research group Frederik Waage for more information, or visit the group's website.

Private law

The research group consists of researchers who are interested in the legal disciplines concerning the relationship between individuals and companies.

Contact research interim head of research group Bugge Thorbjørn Daniel for more information, or visit the group's website.

Law in society

The research group consists of researchers who are interested in the interdisciplinary aspects of law, including in particular sociology of law and criminology, but also legal history, philosophy of law, jurisprudence, forensic anthropology and methodological issues. 

Contact head of research group Linda Kjær Minke for more information, or visit the research group's website.

International law

The research group consists of researchers interested in international and EU law.

Contact head of research group Bugge Thorbjørn Daniel for more information, or visit the group's website.

Centre for Law, Sustainability and Justice

The centre consists of researchers interested in sustainable development. The centre is based on the UN's Sustainable Development Goals as the current political framework for global sustainable development.

Contact head of the centre Karin Buhmann for more information, or visit the centre's website.


Last Updated 22.01.2025