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Leducq - International Network

Deadline - Letter of Intend, 11th of September, 2024
Amount - 8 mio USD for 5 years

Phone: +1 617-341-8161
Webpage: Leducq - International Network

International Networks of Excellence
The Leducq Foundation announces a call for applications typically in June of each year.
To expand the Leducq network program to include investigators worldwide, including in the role as coordinator, the Leducq Foundation has made modifications to the former Transatlantic Networks of Excellence Program (TNE), which is now known as the International Networks of Excellence Program (INEP). Whereas under the TNE program, network coordinators had to be from Europe and North America, coordinators under the INEP may come from any country, as long as the two coordinators of the network are from different continents. For clarity, all previously eligible submissions to the Leducq TNE would still be eligible for submission to the INEP. The difference is that there are now new network configurations that are permitted under the INEP, that were not allowed under the TNE. For example, an investigator from Australia can now serve as a network coordinator under the INEP, whereas previously that investigator was limited to serving as a network member.  
Following a Board of Directors’ decision, the total award has been increased to $8,000,000 over five years for the International Networks of Excellence Program.
