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Programme structure

The master programme is a two-year programme on top of a relevant three-year bachelor degree.

First semester

In the first semester, the student will gain knowledge and experience with advanced methods for Software Engineering, Information Technology and Engineering Foundation and Practice. You can choose to specialize in Advanced Information Technology, Next Generation Software Development or Interactive Technologies and Games.
Read more about our specialization courses here.

Second semester

In the second semester, the student will further develop their knowledge and experience with advanced methods for Software Engineering, Information Technology and Programming. You can again choose to specialize in Advanced Information Technology, Next Generation Software Development or Interactive Technologies and Games.
Read more about our specialization courses here.
A research-oriented project will allow the student to apply scientific methods in a specific research area.

Third semester

In the third semester, the student will learn how to carry out an innovation and development process that results in a new product or service and that addresses existing markets or growth markets. Half of the semester consists of elective modules. The student can choose to use part of the elective modules as part of the thesis work in the third semester. Another option is to choose an In-Company project or a project to develop a business idea further in collaboration with a start-up hub.

Fourth semester

In the last semester, the student will write a thesis in Software Engineering.

Example of a timetable

Under here you can see an example of a timetable for students at this programme. There are of course breaks through out the day, for instance the academic quarter and lunch breaks.


Advanced Software Architecture and Analysis
08:00 - 12:00

End-User Development
08:00 - 12:00

Big Data and Data Science Technology
12:00 - 16:00

End-User Development
12:00 - 16:00

Advanced Software Architecture and Analysis
12:00 - 16:00

Scientific Methods
12:00 - 16:00

Advanced Software Engineering Methodologies
12:00 - 16:00

See more examples of weekly schedules here.