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The provisions of the elections

The University Act

In accordance with the general rules of the Danish University Act, a university must have a board, a number of academic councils, a number of PhD committees and a number of study boards. The University Act also details the general principles for elections to these bodies. 

SDU's statutes

SDU's statutes were last revised in 2018 and contain rules on the election and operation of the board, academic council, department council, PhD committee and study board.

The election rules

The election rules were last revised in 2015 and describe the entire procedure regarding the planning, holding and determining the results of the elections to SDU's collegiate bodies. In the election rules, you can also learn more about election groups, voting rights and eligibility, terms of office and much more.

The election circular

This circular describes the annual ordinary election and contains, among other things, an overview of which collegiate bodies are included in the elections, the election groups as well as their areas of representation. The circular also describes the procedure for the planning of the election, the nomination of candidates, deadlines etc., which is why the circular is revised every year prior to the election.

  • View the 2021 election circular here
  • View the document detailing the call for elections 2021
  • View the schedule for the 2021 elections

Last Updated 26.10.2023