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Completed Ph.D. Projects

Completed FAME Ph.D. Projects

Strategic Management of Shared Fish Stocks Applied to the Pelagic Complex in the North East Atlantic Ocean - Hans Ellefsen

Preference and Demand for Shellfish - Thong Tien Nguyen

Risk management strategies in fisheries management - Dewan Ali Ahsan

Ecosystem based-fisheries management - Nguyen Viet Thanh

Marine Ecosystem Management and Concepts for Natural Resource Management Models Lars Ravn-Jonsen

Strategic Interaction among Agents exploiting a Renewable ressource - Lone G. Kronbak

Political risk in food production - Ole Jakob Bjergfjord

The Aquaculture sector from an economic perspective with a production technological approach – Rasmus Nielsen

The Application of Production Functions in Bioeconomic Models - Jesper L. Andersen

Managing Capacity in European Fisheries - Erik Lindebo

International Seafood Trade Liberalisation - Max Nielsen

Welfare Measure of Optimal Coastal Land Use: A Case Study of Krabi Province, Thailand - Tipparat Pongthanapanich

Endogenous Growth Theory and the Relation to Hartwick's Rule - Elisabeth Hermann Frederiksen

Management of renewable resources: incorporating multiple objectives - Jens Kjærsgaard

Welfare Economic Valuation of the externalities of wind power production - an evaluation of economically efficient substitution patterns between locations - Jacob Ladenburg

Completed other Ph.D Projects

Development of decision support systems for the management of marine ecosystems - Maarten Punt

Economics of Soil and Water conservation: An Empirical Study from Eastern Ethiopian Highlands - Wagayehu Bekele

Cleaner technology innovation, eco-entrepreneurship and financing mechanisms - Tarja Teppo

Sustainable Management of Lake Victoria Fisheries - Razack-Bakari Lokina

Essays on Economics of Natural Resource Management and Experiments - Wisdom Akpalu

Sustainable harvesting in variable environments - Katja Enberg

Management of Wild Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) in a bioeconomic perspective - Jon Olaf Olaussen

The Spanish Mediterranean Hake Market: An application for the upgrade of bio-economic models - Jordi Guillen Garcia

Essays on Economic Valuationof Cultural and Natural Resources in Vietnam - Tran Huu Tuan


Last Updated 25.10.2017