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New consortium handles waste and environment

Scientists from the Institute of Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology and Environmental Technology is part of a new consortium, INNOSORT, which is to develop an efficient waste sorting, beneficial to Danish environment as well as Danish export possibilities.

The amount of waste is constantly rising worldwide - and so is the need for energy and valuable resources. Now two scientists from the Institute of Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology and Environmental Technology (KBM) are to help solve this challenge, as they are part of a comprehensive consortium, INNOSORT, the purpose of which is to develop technologies capable of sorting our waste according to chemical composition and form.

”INNOSORT is to make it possible to sort out substances that are harmful to environment and health, and recycle scarce resources. Such technologies are globally in great demand and therefore the project has a great export potential, making possible the creation of many new jobs in Denmark", says professor Henrik Wenzel from KBM.

Waste is a global challenge
Growing populations and economies make it ever more difficult to procure sufficient amounts of resources and energy. At the same time, high growth rates lead to growing amounts of waste worldwide, which is why INNOSORT holds such great potential.

”It is valuable to be able to recycle valuable resources as e.g. plastic, light-alloy metals, precious metals as well as critical raw materials as the rare earth metals. Moreover, the carbon dioxide savings will be considerable when we recycle more. Therefore, both in Denmark and the rest of the world there is a growing interest in ensuring a better utilization of our waste", says senior consultant Ole Dall, who is the other participant from KBM in the project. 

For more information contact
Professor Henrik Wenzel: tlf. 6550 7374, mob. 2778 7374, e-mail  
Senior consultant Ole L. Dall: tlf. 2058 5075, mob.: 20585075 eller e-mail

About the project 
The innovation consortium INNOSORT has been created with support from the Danish Agency for Technology and Innovation and has an overall budget of 44,3 mio. dkr.
The participants in the consortium are: The Danish Technological Institute (project owner), Dansk Affald A/S, Danbørs A/S, Eldan Recycling A/S, Puls Design A/S, Industri Tech ApS, Grabow Systems A/S, University of Southern Denmark, University of Copenhagen, the Technical University of Denmark and Affald Varme Aarhus.

Editing was completed: 18.06.2012