SEBE Department Seminar with Lynne Lewis
A talk with Dr. Lynne Lewis, Elmer W. Campbell Chair at Bates College in Maine, US will take place on the 31st of May from 13:00-14:00 in Room 1a+b.
Topic: River Restoration and Hedonic Property Value Analyses: Guidance for Effective Benefit Transfer
Dr Lynne Lewis holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Colorado. Prior to becoming faculty at Bates she served on the faculty at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. Her work has covered topics including valuation of ecosystem services, water quality trading, water allocation and the impacts of climate change. Currently, she is part of an interdisciplinary research team funded by an NSF grant focused on valuing the potential benefits from dam removals and river restoration. Lewis also co-authors the popular Environmental and Nature Resource Economics textbook with Tom Tietenberg.