PhD degree
Ricarda Bohn has been awarded her PhD degree
Friday 14 June, Ricarda Bohn defended her PhD project on how and when the use of social media affects political and civic behavior. Get some of the main results here.
Otto Mønsted Guest Professorship
Professor Paul Steffens: Entrepreneurship is important for promoting individual welfare
For Paul Steffens, entrepreneurship is a bit like championing the underdog. With support from the Otto Mønsted Guest Professorship, we welcome the Australian Professor.
Otto Mønsted Guest Professorship
Professor Paul Steffens: Entrepreneurship is important for promoting individual welfare
For Paul Steffens, entrepreneurship is a bit like championing the underdog. With support from the Otto Mønsted Guest Professorship, we welcome the Australian Professor.
Otto Mønsted Guest Professorship
Professor Paul Steffens: Entrepreneurship is important for promoting individual welfare
For Paul Steffens, entrepreneurship is a bit like championing the underdog. With support from the Otto Mønsted Guest Professorship, we welcome the Australian Professor.
Otto Mønsted Guest Professorship
Professor Paul Steffens: Entrepreneurship is important for promoting individual welfare
For Paul Steffens, entrepreneurship is a bit like championing the underdog. With support from the Otto Mønsted Guest Professorship, we welcome the Australian Professor.
Otto Mønsted Guest Professorship
Professor Paul Steffens: Entrepreneurship is important for promoting individual welfare
For Paul Steffens, entrepreneurship is a bit like championing the underdog. With support from the Otto Mønsted Guest Professorship, we welcome the Australian Professor.
Otto Mønsted Guest Professorship
Professor Paul Steffens: Entrepreneurship is important for promoting individual welfare
For Paul Steffens, entrepreneurship is a bit like championing the underdog. With support from the Otto Mønsted Guest Professorship, we welcome the Australian Professor.
Otto Mønsted Guest Professorship
Professor Paul Steffens: Entrepreneurship is important for promoting individual welfare
For Paul Steffens, entrepreneurship is a bit like championing the underdog. With support from the Otto Mønsted Guest Professorship, we welcome the Australian Professor.
Otto Mønsted Guest Professorship
Professor Paul Steffens: Entrepreneurship is important for promoting individual welfare
For Paul Steffens, entrepreneurship is a bit like championing the underdog. With support from the Otto Mønsted Guest Professorship, we welcome the Australian Professor.
Job advert
Postdoc position in Agricultural / Environmental and Resource Economics
At the Department of Business and Sustainability, we offer an opportunity for a postdoc in an interesting and relevant field.
Dewan Ahsan becomes part of International Arctic Science Committee
Professor Dewan Ahsan has become the new representative for Denmark in the IASC Marine Working Group.
Invitation: Nordic Offshore Wind Conference: Connecting the Baltic Sea with the North Sea
Meet key players and researchers in the field of Nordic Offshore
Job advert
PhD Scholarship in Agricultural / Environmental and Resource Economics
At the Department of Business and Sustainability, we offer an opportunity to earn a PhD in an interesting and relevant field.
Name News
Kristin B Munksgaard appointed as new professor: 'It was the interaction with companies that got me into research'
For the newly appointed Professor Kristin B Munksgaard, knowledge exchange, collaboration and outreach are important parts of research. As vice dean and director of University of Southern Denmark Business School, she is at the forefront of building bridges to the outside world.
Name news
Ann Clarke is new professor: “The interplay between making a difference for public-private innovation and conducting research is enriching.”
Ann Højbjerg Clarke is a newly appointed professor in business-to-business marketing and innovation. In her research, she collaborates with public organizations and private companies to create the solutions of the future.
New department at the University of Southern Denmark
Introducing the new Department of Business and Sustainability at SDU. The department will strengthen Southern Danish businesses and society in general and contributes to addressing significant challenges within environment and sustainability.
DKK 19.9 million from the Carlsberg Foundation to SDU BSS
No less than ten researchers at the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences at SDU have just received research grants from the Carlsberg Foundation.
University of Southern Denmark Esbjerg is starting a new green education programme
The University of Southern Denmark in Esbjerg is starting a new master’s programme in sustainability. The programme will meet demand from local and regional companies.
University of Southern Denmark Esbjerg is starting a new green education programme
The University of Southern Denmark in Esbjerg is starting a new master’s programme in sustainability. The programme will meet demand from local and regional companies.
New center
A new research center aims to ensure that we learn from past catastrophes
The University of Southern Denmark has established a new center to ensure continuous learning from disasters and help societies, organizations, and individuals become more resilient.
We should rethink our approach to innovation
Collaboration between public and private organisations and universities holds great potential for creating innovation that ensures long-term solutions and resilient organisations. Simon Sølvsten elaborates in his opinion piece.
Researchers will investigate how chatbots can make us safer online
Cyberattacks on citizens have become more common in Denmark. In a new project, SDU, with support from TrygFonden, aims to improve Danes' digital security in everyday life.
invasive species
New expert group to address potential threat from invasive species impacting marine ecosystems
Invasive species - both plants and animals - can pose a serious threat to biodiversity, UN states. As a response, a group of SDU researchers now form an expert group.
Tour de France
New study: What was the hosting of the Tour de France in 2022 worth to the Danes?
In 2022, Denmark hosted the opening three stages of the Tour de France, and the hosting was subsequently hailed as a great success. A new study has taken a closer look at the value the hosting has created for the Danish population.
Arne Feddersen is new professor at SDU
We are very proud to announce that Arne Feddersen has been appointed professor at Southern University in Denmark Esbjerg.
Surveillance leads to stress and unhappiness among Danish fishermen
Camera surveillance on ships has a negative impact on the working environment among Danish lobster fishermen. This is the conclusion of a new study.
Which kind of salmon fishing experience do you want?
In a new project, researchers will investigate which rules and fishing experience trolling fishermen prefer in the Baltic Sea and how fishermen assess the current rules.
Green Transition
10 million for new elite centre with the sun at its centre
A new elite research centre under the SDU Climate Cluster takes a holistic approach to solar energy. The centre will not only design, build and develop paper-thin, flexible solar panels that can be mounted on all kinds of things, but also look at how they are implemented in society and how consumers better embrace the new solutions.
Climate research
Nature can help when extreme weather hits
Floods, heat waves, storms and droughts are becoming more common as temperatures rise, so we need to find new ways to protect our cities and communities. Nature itself offers many solutions, and we must learn to make better use of them, say the researchers behind a new elite center for climate research at SDU.
OB's head of communications educated himself in his passion: "It's great to work with something that affects a lot of people"
Rasmus Nejstgaard moved from Copenhagen to Esbjerg in search of a career in the sports industry. It was the start of an everyday life in the Danish Superliga.
Fleksible forbrugere eller vanedyr? Ph.d.-projekt sætter lup på vores elforbrug
Et netop afsluttet ph.d.-projekt har undersøgt, i hvilket omfang danske forbrugere ønsker at engagere sig i deres elselskab. Projektet giver blandt andet indsigt i vores forhold til elpriser, og hvor villige vi er til at ændre vores forbrugsvaner.
Researcher on renewable energy plants: "If we don't involve the locals, we've lost beforehand"
Local opposition often ends up getting in the way of green initiatives and making negative headlines. Involve consumers and strengthen research into their behaviour, says SDU researcher.
Green transition
We buy electric cars - if it is profitable for us
A new study shows that Danish consumers' motivation to buy electric cars is predominantly driven by external motivational factors. This could be bad news for the goal of electrifying the car industry, says a professor of consumer behaviour.
Sustainable cities and communities
What will it take for European cities to have sustainable food systems? That’s what the four-year FUSILLI project is seeking to understand.
Cookbook by Danielle Wilde receives a special Jury Award
Tour de France
Expert in event economics: Having an interesting experience portfolio can have benefits
A new Tour de France study by Idan and SDU concludes that host municipalities should not expect any economic effects from hosting. However, a long-term experience strategy has certain advantages, a local researcher in event economics explains.
Substitution preferences for fish in Senegal
New study from Senegal on the substitution behaviour of Senegalese consumers seafood preferences shows that consumers prefer diversity of species on their plates.
Tour de France
Tour de France will not be a goldmine for Danish hosts
When the French Tour de France caravan hits the Danish summer landscape in the beginning of July 2022, the host municipalities should not expect a big financial gain.
New project
SAMF researcher to lead new Danida initiative
A new research project will pave the way for more sustainability and safe and healthy working conditions in the leather industry of Bangladesh. The project, which is part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark’s development cooperation Danida (the Danish International Development Agency), will be led by Associate Professor Dewan Ahsan.
SDG Award 2022
Pia Heike Johansen is nominated for the SDG Award 2022
Marketing challenges at retail stores
We invite you to a free webinar on latest research and future oulook
Workshop on the pool for citizen-driven grocery stores
Along with the Danish Housing and Planning Agency, we invite potential applicants to the Citizen-Driven Grocery Store Pool to a workshop.
Study environment
The Restart Fund
As a student, you can now apply for up to 2500 DKK in The Restart Fund for a social event with your fellow students.
The success of electric cars depends on getting consumers on board
The record sales of electric cars require us to adapt our infrastructure to electric cars and build a robust and efficient charging network. And the key question is whether Danish consumers are willing to pay, writes the author of this op-ed.
PhD defence
Simon Sølvsten has been awarded his PhD degree
On Friday 22 April 2022, Simon Sølvsten defended his PhD thesis.
Is a sustainable and cheap Olympics possible?
Professor Oliver Schnittka gives his view on whether a sustainable and cheap Olympics is possible.
PhD study
Do insurers adjust prices for the adoption of loss prevention?
New PhD study uncovers what influence the use of property loss prevention technology has on property insurance pricing
Danielle Wilde on her work with the FUSILLI project: ‘Working with the food system, for me, seems a like no-brainer’
What will it take for European cities to have sustainable food systems? That’s what the four-year FUSILLI project is seeking to understand. Together with 11 other cities in Europe, Kolding is part of this sustainability project, which turns the selected cities into ‘living labs’.
PhD study
Loss prevention technologies' effect on property damage cost and financial savings
New PhD study uncovers what quantitative effects the most frequently used loss prevention technologies have on property damage cost
Esbjerg: Social Inequality in Health
What does it do to Esbjerg that the research is coming to Esbjerg? What are we actually researching in Esbjerg? Who can use the results? And why is strong, local research environments so important?
Food System Change at FoodLab: Cook it! Taste it!
Food System Change at FoodLab: Cook it! Taste it! An exciting research event with focus on change of the food system. The event is supported by FoodReformers.
Business School
Students build the Business School of the future
What does it mean to be a part of a Business School? What competences should a Business School provide and what values should it be based on? SDU Esbjerg's Business Economics programmes have become a part of a new SDU Business School and the other day students litterally had the opportunity to shape its future.
Sustainable Development in Cambodia
GREENCAP is a project enhancing green capacity in higher education institutions to foster sustainable development in Cambodia.
FoodLab Launch
FoodLab launch in Kolding
On the 26th and 27th of November 2021 SDU launched a FoodLab in Kolding.
Researcher wins award for research article about tourist activities
The Spanish network of tourism researchers has awarded the prize for the best research article in the field of tourism in 2021 to our former Ph.D.-student and postdoc Barbora Gulisova.
SDU Esbjerg welcomes new researcher
Danielle Wilde is new researcher at SDU Esbjerg
Året der gik hos Center for Landdistriktsforskning
I CLF's årsberetning ser centerleder Egon Noe tilbage på nogle af de centrale projekter i 2021.
Energikonference i Esbjerg satte fokus på fremtidens løsninger
Med to uddannelser målrettet energiindustrien og førende forskning inden for grøn energi kan SDU i Esbjerg spille en spændende rolle i områdets grønne omstilling, både nu og i fremtiden. Det lokale universitet har et stort fokus på at vidensdele og holdt i forrige uge energikonference med to af landets førende eksperter inden for vind og energi.
Studerende prøvede kræfter med lokale virksomheders grønne udfordringer
Studerende ved Syddansk Universitet og UC SYD deltog i weekenden i Green Camp 2021, hvor de på 24 timer skulle hjælpe to lokale virksomheder med en udfordring inden for den grønne omstilling.
Sundhed i landdistrikterne: Kom til national konference om ulighed i sundhed
Center for Landdistriktsforskning, Landdistrikternes Fællesråd, UC SYD og Diabetesforeningen inviterer til en national konference fredag den 14. januar 2022, hvor vi samler forskere, praktikere og politikere til en dag i sundhedens og landdistrikternes tegn.
Energy Island in Denmark: Is it beneficial to the society?
Join our conference on energy islands
Energy Island in Denmark: Is it beneficial to the society?
Join our conference on energy islands
Eva Roth fejrer 40 år på SDU
Eva Roth fejrer mandag den 15. november 2021 sit 4o års jubilæum på Syddansk Universitet
Esbjerg Universitetspris 2021: Barbora vinder for sin ph.d. om landdistrikters branding
Ph.d. Barbora Gulisova er den ene af årets modtagere af Esbjerg Universitetspris. Den prestigefyldte anerkendelse blev overrakt tirsdag eftermiddag på AAU Esbjerg. Gæstetaler var ejer af Sports Connection Aps / Skechers Peter Jørgensen.
World Trade Organization (WTO) must ban harmful fisheries subsidies
PhD defense
Felix Wasser has been awarded his PhD degree
Calling All Crabby People: Crab workshop
Workshop invitation: Join the crab workshop on global ecological and economic connections in Arctic and sub-Arctic crab markets
Business School
SDU Business School vil bygge en stærkere bro: - Virksomhederne skal være med til at forme kandidaterne
1. september slog Syddansk Universitet dørene op for et nyt initiativ, der skal bringe det lokale erhvervsliv tættere på den kommende arbejdskraft.
New research
Some people are willing to pay more for sustainable seafood
New research shows that certified sustainable farmed fish sell for slightly higher prices, suggesting that some consumers are willing to pay more for a meal that’s gentler on the environment.
PhD defense
Invitation to PhD defense: Advertising effectiveness
On Monday 25 October, you can participate in the PhD defense of Felix Wasser. In his PhD project, Felix has investigated advertising effectiveness. In this Q&A article, he gives a foretaste of the results.
Ny forskning
Danmark kan blive førende inden for en bæredygtig skibsindustri
Danmark er et af de nordeuropæiske lande med den største kapacitet og ekspertise inden for bæredygtig ophugning og genanvendelse af skibe. Det giver gode forudsætninger for at blive førende på området, viser et nyt studie, der har undersøgt mulighederne for at skabe en cirkulær økonomi i skibsindustrien.
Measuring Motivations for Choosing Eco-labeled Seafood: Environmental Concerns and Warm Glow
Ecolabels are supposed to reduce the information asymmetry between producers and consumers, but they may also produce a warm glow of “green” behavior.
Closing conference: "Creating Circular Economy Clusters for Sustainable Ship Recycling in Denmark"
We hereby cordially invite you to take part in the closing conference of the project "Creating Circular Economy Clusters for Sustainable Ship Recycling in Denmark", to be held on 21 September at Copenhagen Business School (CBS) and online.
Online Seminar
Online Seminar: Do Whales Judge Us?
On the 1st of September, the MERE group presents an online seminar with Bathsheba Demuth
Welcome, Katharina Herwig
Katharina Herwig has joined the MERE group as a Research Assistant
New technology
Chatbots on websites can work the opposite of what they are intended for
Chatbots are integrated on many websites to provide users with answers and guidance. However, new research shows that chatbots can scare users away.
New study
The future of the oceans is at stake: Study identifies major barriers to sustainable marine environments
In a new study, a team of international researchers identifies a number of barriers that we must overcome if we are to secure the future of the oceans.
Buying behavior
Corona has changed our buying behavior
The closure of society in connection with Covid-19 has changed our shopping habits. A new study indicates that some of the new habits have come to stay.
work life
Your age reveals whether you like working from home
A new study shows that many Danes generally prefer working from home. The trend is stronger the older you are. Especially young people under the age of 24 see significant disadvantages of working from home.
Barbora Gulisova has been awarded her PhD degree
Congratulations to Barbora Gulisova, who has been awarded her PhD
Online seminar
Online seminar: Social Media Campaigns, Lobbying and Legislation
Byeong-Hak Choe from University of Wyoming will present his research on Social Media Campaigns, Lobbying and Legislation: Evidence from climatechange / globalwarming and Energy Lobbies
Vend havplanen på hovedet
Vend havplanen på hovedet, skriver Brooks Kaiser og Eva Roth sammen med 16 andre forskere i et debatindlæg på I en ekspertudtalelse peger de på en række handlemuligheder, der kan bidrage til at forbedre havets natur og miljøtilstand.
Nyt katalog giver inspiration til strategisk landsbyplanlægning
Et nyt inspirationskatalog fra Center for Landdistriktsforskning skal inspirere land- og yderkommunerne til, hvordan de kan arbejde med strategisk landsbyplanlægning.
PhD defense
Invitation to PhD defense: Rural place branding
We invite you to the online PhD defense of Barbora Gulisova on June 11, 2021. In her PhD project, Barbora has investigated the processes of place branding and how place branding is organized and undertaken in different places within the rural areas. In this article, Barbora gives a foretaste of her defense in a Q&A.
The MOB Research Group
Online seminar: The interactions between Covid-19 and elite football
Professor James Reade from the Department of Economics, University of Reading, will present his research on sports economics and the interactions between Covid-19 and elite football.
The MERE Research Group
Stakeholder Engagement in the Diversification of Arctic Blue Economy Communities
Brooks Kaiser, Chris Horbel, and Melina Kourantidou joined the Uarctic session “Stakeholder Engagement in the Diversification of Arctic Blue Economy Communities” on May 18th, 2021.
Department Seminar
Webinar: Everyday life in the Asylum system
In the presentation “Everyday life in the Asylum system: Inherent dilemmas, lived experiences and ways to navigate during a pandemic”, Karen Nielsen Breidahl from AAU will present her research on Asylum seeker’s experiences in their reception settings in Denmark and Sweden.
The MERE Research Group
Food from the Ocean
Our world is facing major challenges regarding food security.
The MOB Research Group
When Chatbots Make Us Communicate Less
Chatbots are autonomous agents with artificial intelligence whose major purpose is to assist customers with inquiries or advisory on websites. But findings show that website visitors feel watched with the presence of chatbots on websites
Welcome to Ricarda Bohn as a new PhD student
We warmly welcome Ricarda Bohn at the Department of Sociology, Environmental and Business Economics. Her PhD project will investigate the impact of social media participation in a civil crisis.
The MOB Research Group
New Industrial Ph.d. in collaboration with the Sports Analysis Institute
The Department of Sociology, Environmental and Business Economics has in collaboration with the Sports Research Institute received support for a new Industrial PhD
The MERE Research Group
Danish research on the global map: SDU in the company of Ivy League universities in prestigious network
With a membership of the prestigious Willis Research Network, the University of Southern Denmark has joined a distinguished club whose members include American Ivy League universities. The membership has become a reality on the basis of hard work from the Department of Sociology, Environmental and Business Economics but is granted to the entire SDU.
Beyond Wind: New Challenges to the Expansion of Renewables in Denmark
Expansion of renewable energy in Denmark: New study by Brooks Kaiser, Luis Boscán and Lars Ravn-Jonsen examines the challenges.
The MERE Research Group contributes to several peer reviewed journals
The Management and Economics of Resources and Environment (MERE) Research Group has contributed to several peer reviewed journals in the field of fishery, environment, and risk management.
New publication: We live in nature all the time
Lektor Pia Heike Johansen, postdoc Jens Kaae Fisker og lektor Annette Aagaard Thuesen har udgivet artiklen ‘We live in nature all the time’: Spatial justice, outdoor recreation, and the refrains of rural rhythm.
SAMF Talent Track
Talent Track to promote elite research: Meet the first participants
The Faculty of Business and Social Sciences is launching a new initiative to support young ambitious researchers who have the potential to make significant contributions to their field of research.
Anna Lyneborg defends her PhD thesis
Anna Lyneborg, Department of Sociology, Environmental and Business Economics, defends her PhD thesis on November 20th
Stefanie Sohn had her first workday at SEBE in the midst of Corona
How did it go?
New research project: Risk, Emotions and Trust in Times of Health Crisis - part of the Covid 19 initiative of the Velux Foundation
Barbara Fersch from SEBE will together with Anna Schneider-Kamp from IMM explore the impact of health risk on the parent-teacher relationship and its digitalisation during the COVID-19 pandemic in Denmark in this project.
Phd Project
New PhD project: Performing the rural landscape through art in situ
Morten Frølund is new PhD student at the Department of Sociology, Environmental and Business Economics as of 15 March, 2020
Researcher at SDU Esbjerg visits the United States to study quality of rural life
Pia Heike Johansen from the Department of Sociology, Environmental & Business Economics visits Steamboat Springs, Colorado to study the quality of rural life. In a new interview with the American newspaper "Steamboat Pilot & Today", she tells about her four-year study on quality of life in rural communities.
"It’s just Roskilde”: New research examines safety and transgressive behavior at Roskilde Festival
Many guests associate the festival experience with freedom and community. But the festival tolerance is stretched to the limit when transgressive behavior occurs, which can be explained by the widespread tolerance and kindness of the festival culture. A new research report by researchers from SDU, tells about safety and transgressive behavior among festivalgoers at Roskilde Festival.
GREENCAP (Enhancing green capability in HEI to foster sustainable development in Cambodia): An EU, ERASMUS+ project
The project will support Cambodia's path to green growth and sustainable development.
SDU Esbjerg participated in the People's Meeting: "Energiens Folkemøde"
Researchers at SDU Esbjerg participated in "Energiens Folkemøde" and raised the question: Are consumers willing to change their energy consumption to make better use of green energy? Read more and see pictures from the people's meeting here.
Get a behind the scenes glimpse of the Fantasyfestival with SDU Esbjerg's alumni network
Do you want a behind the scenes look of Esbjerg's very own Fantasyfestival? 14. September 2019 the alumni network of SDU Esbjerg invites you to an alumni event on how the unique festival was created and how the festival can be used for branding of Esbjerg.
PhD defence
PhD defence by Susanne Faerber on 29 August
Her PhD thesis is entitled ” Visitor Satisfaction and Visitor Behaviour in Visitor Attractions”
Researcher at the Department of Sociology, Environmental and Business Economics receives the prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship
Zeinab Rezvani from SDU Esbjerg has been awarded the Marie Skłodowska-Currie Individual Fellowship, one of Europe’s most prestigious grants for junior researchers.
The first SDU Double Degree Students have graduated
Each year students from Denmark and Italy get the chance to obtain a truly international education by getting a double master’s degree. The first double degree students from SDU and UNIFE in Italy have now graduated. Graduate Mauro from Italy tells about his experience with the double degree programme.
Department of Sociology, Environmental and Business Economics Develops New Course in Event Management
On October 1, 2019, a new course in event management is being held, which focuses on developing and strengthening one's competence within the event management discipline. The course is developed by professors from the Department of Sociology, Environmental and Business Economics.
Using Virtual and Augmented Reality to Study Shopper Decision Making
How do consumers behave when shopping in Virtual Reality? Read about a new project at SDU that investigates consumer choice and information processing in virtual shopping environments
Increasing interest in studying a Master's degree at SDU Esbjerg
SDU Esbjerg has experienced an increasing interest in their master's programs. The number of candidates for the Master's programs has increased by 17% since last year.
2nd Workshop on Sustainable Tourism Development in the Nordic Arctic
2nd Workshop on Sustainable Tourism Development in the Nordic Arctic to be held 18-22 March in Iceland
The Benefits of Using Eye-Tracking Methodology in Organizational Research
New research by SDU-professor Martin Meißner examines the use and potential of eye tracking in the field of organizational science. Together with Josua Oll (Hamburg University), Martin discusses how eye-tracking methodology can contribute to substantive domains of organizational science, such as strategic management and human resources.
PH.D. Project
New Ph.D. project is to help organizations limit the risk of injury
Every year organizations spend millions on preventive measures such as burglar alarms and waterproofing, which limits the risk of damage - but does it have the desired effect?
PhD defense 1st October
Kristian Frisk's PhD thesis: "Heroes in Helmand. Military Heroism and National Identity in Denmark "
Inaugural lecture by Oliver Schnittka on 9 October
“Brand reactions to customer complaints on social media platforms”
Special award for research-based learning
Professor Gunnar Svendsen acceded as head of studies on the Sociology and Cultural Analysis education in 2013 and has since been a great pillar for the students. This has contributed to Gunnar Svendsen being awarded “Special Award for Research-Based Learning” for the Faculty of Social Science
Can our children save the climate?
Themes such as environment and climate are taught at school. But nobody quite knows whether this has a positive effect. Listen to the research results on this video
Bioeconomic foundation for the development of sustainable natural resources
Brooks Alexandra Kaiser, in collaboration with researchers at the University of British Colombia, will develop economic analysis tools, sustainable exploitation of marine resources and bioeconomic models for the decreasing pH-levels.
Next Alumni Event takes place on 27 June
Feel free to join alumnis (both current and coming alumni) for a rare view behind the scenes of the European Championship in Obstacle Course Racing, which is hosted in Esbjerg
How do we create a sustainable society?
There is wide agreement that to create a sustainable society we need to increase 1) the use of clean energy and 2) energy efficiency
Photos from Melina Kourantidou's PhD-defence in april
With following reception. PhD-titel: “Stewardship of resources in rapidly evolving Arctic economies and ecosystems: The role of marine invasive species”
The snow crab - a story that demonstrates the complexities of climate change
The article is written by Brooks Kaiser and just published in The Conversation
PhD defense by Melina Kourantidou on 3 April
Her PhD thesis is entitled “Stewardship of resources in rapidly evolving Arctic economies and ecosystems: The role of marine invasive species”
A newly published book is available!
The book “Arctic Marine Resource Governance and Development” offers a unique insight into the ecosystem changes underway in the Artic region
The Department is now on Twitter!
We have a desire to get our research and knowledge more out to our stakeholders, and to do it faster
Sustainable Tourism Development in the Nordic Arctic
Arctic economies are broadening from resource extraction to tourism
Colombia and the Danish health care system within the Danish/Scandinavian universal welfare state model
Professor John Storm from The Sociology Research Group was invited by The Danish Embassy in Colombia to present and discuss the Danish health care system in Columbia.
Inaugural Lecture of Magnus Söderberg
Do social scientists need to study energy markets? …. or is it enough to let engineers do that?
Danish Sociology Conference 2018
Conference theme: Community, Cohesion and Exclusion in Diverse Societies
MERE Research Group Seminar on 10 November
A Fair Share: Controversies over fishing quota in the EU - by Griffin Carpenter, New Economics Foundation
SDU Esbjerg’s attendance in the project DOCKSIDE
The project DOCKSIDE stands for Doctoral program in Khmer universities strengthening the international development of environmental and maritime research.
Visitor Satisfaction in Visitor Attractions
This first year seminar for PhD student Susanne Faerber takes place on 28 September from 10.30-12.00
Global ecological and economic connections in Arctic and sub-Arctic crab fisheries
Half a million DKK has been funded by The Ministry of Higher Education and Science to this project
Nordregio project: Sustainable Tourism Development in the Arctic
The project’s aim is to investigate how to utilize existing human capital, natural resources (especially living marine resources) and infrastructure capacity to develop innovative sustainable tourism that can diversify and make Arctic economic development more resilient
First Annual Alumni Events 2017 in Esbjerg
A LinkedIn group SDU Alumni in Esbjerg has now been established. The group is targeted students who has graduated from SDU in Esbjerg and other SDU graduates working in Esbjerg
Seminar at the Christian-Albrechts-University in Kiel
Our second semester ERM master students participated in a two-days joint seminar at Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel from the 1st to the 2nd of June. Both the students from Kiel and our ERM students made presentation of various topics related to environmental economics in front of a larger audience.
Match Fixing and Sports Betting In Football
Empirical Evidence from the German Bundesliga. Come to our next Department Seminar on 15 June - Brad R. Humphreys is giving a lecture on the topic
SEBE Department Seminar with Lynne Lewis
A talk with Dr. Lynne Lewis, Elmer W. Campbell Chair at Bates College in Maine, US will take place on the 31st of May from 13:00-14:00 in Room 1a+b.
PhD project on the management of marine invasive species in the Arctic
MDPI has announced that Melina Kourantidou is the winner of the Resources Travel Award for 2017. The research project focuses on
Invitation to Department seminar on The Mediation of Authority:
How citizens perceive and engage the mediations of the Bureaucratic Service Encounter and changes in its mediation matrix - by Søren Skaarup, PhD, Senior Consultant Business Technology, Rambøll - on 2 May
SDU company visit at ESVAGT
SDU students had the opportunity to visit ESVAGT, one of the big companies in Esbjerg’s harbor in connection to their exam cases in the course “Strategy and Competition”.
The Impact of National Culture on Mobile Commerce Adoption and Usage Intensity
Department seminar on 5 April from 10-11 with Professor Christian Wellbrock from University of Cologne
Students meet companies at the Business Brunch at SDU Esbjerg
The Business Brunch on Friday the 3rd of March was a full success. Almost 200 students signed up before the event representing all academic areas of the campus.
Department seminar: How do land markets anticipate regulatory change?
Come and hear Professor Linda Nøstbakken from NHH Norwegian school of economics on 31 March
Syddansk Universitet meets Windesheim University of Applied Sciences
Five students from Windesheim University of applied Sciences came to visit Esbjerg for one week. The guest students joined Bachelor students from the program Sport and Event management to classes and worked together on a case formulated by the Sport and Event park Esbjerg.
New research project: Sustainable Energy Market Integration
The energy market is experiencing a profound transition in the following aspects:
New name of the Department
Department of Sociology, Environmental and Business Economics is the new name of SDU’s department at Campus Esbjerg
Junior Research Day
All junior researchers including PhD students, post-doc researchers and assistant professors, were invited to present one of their research projects to the other colleagues at the Department
Blue Think Tank results presented at Maritime Fair
Blue Think Tank is a long-term network consisting of academics, students, graduates and stakeholders from the maritime industry
University Education for Professionals - 11 October
Insights and background information from Sport Management Academy Bayreuth - by Dr. Guido Schafmeister
The Faculty consolidates research environments
The strategy of the Faculty of Social Science is to consolidate almost identical research environments across campuses
Students man new blue SDU Think Tank
The Blue SDU Think Tank project aims to build an interdisciplinary student, alumni, faculty and stakeholder network across SDU focusing on the maritime industry
New PhD collaboration established with the Hamburg School of Business Administration (HSBA)
The PhD is entitled "Managing visitor satisfaction in tourist attraction"
Growth requires managers’ passion and compassion
The article 'Passion and compassion represent dualities for growth’ has achieved 'the 2016 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence award for 'Highly Commended Paper’ in the journal International Journal of Organizational Analysis 2015 Vol 23 1.
New Double Master Degree Programme for Economics and Management
University of Southern Denmark and the Italian University UNIFE have agreed upon setting up a new Double Master Degree. The Degree will have two tracks: ‘MSc Environmental and Resource Management’ and ‘Green Economy and Sustainability’
PhD defence 13 April: Events as a strategic Imaging Tool for City Branding
Christian Dragin-Jensen will defend his PhD thesis entitled 'Events as a Strategic Imaging Tool for City Branding'
New report on the OWD project
Perspectives on how operation & maintenance (O&M) innovations contribute to the reduction of levelized cost of energy (LCOE) in offshore wind parks
Thesis leads to success
Kenneth Poucher from SDU Esbjerg got full marks, a job and the University Prize for his master’s thesis
Esbjerg Knowledge Exchange Day on 24/11
How sport events impact stakeholders ...
Yingkui Yang is introductory speaker on researcher seminar on wind integration in the system
The seminar will be held in Beijing from 16 to17 November
International COST Action TobeWELL Training School
'Sensorium, Wellbeing and Ecosystem Services' taking place at SDU in Esbjerg from 16 to 18 September
International PhD course on 'Using eye-tracking in social science research projects'
The PhD course takes place at University Campus Esbjerg on 14-18 September 2015 ...
Tove Brink speaker at Wind Energy Denmark Annual Event
Tove Brink presents 'Risk and Project Management in Offshore Wind' on 23 September at 11 am
Prof. Brooks Kaiser invited by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research
to participate in the conference in Brussels 'Solving Key Arctic Challenges in Horizon 2020’
Workshop on methods for PhD
9th International Research Workshop 27/9 - 2/10-15. Associate Professor Martin Meissner is giving a lecture 'Measuring Preferences using Conjoint Analytic Methods and Advanced Compositional Approaches'
New article: Entrepreneurial learning requires action on the meaning generated
The article is published in the 'International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research' and written by Associate Professor Tove Brink and Associate Professor Svend Ole Madsen
PhD co-operation between IME and HSBA
PhD co-operation between the Hamburg School of Business Administration (HSBA) and the Department of Environmental Business Economics (IME)
Department Seminar on 24 April: The Norwegian subsidy policy of electric cars ...
Professor Arne Feddersen at the panel
Professor Arne Feddersen is invited to the panel of SportAccord Convention World Sport & Business Summit 2015
Viktor Racz, 1st Year PhD Seminar, 17 April 2015
Invitation: How the container changed world trade
Arne Feddersen, Professor at IME, now Leading Editor of International Journal of Sport Finance
PhD defence, Barbara Hutniczak, 20 November 2014
1st year PhD seminar for Hanne Bat Finke 6 October
1 st year PhD seminar, Kristian Frisk
Council of the UArctic
1st year PhD seminar, Hannibal Hoff
Workshop on Marine invasive species in the Arctic: Management issues
Grzegorz Kwiatkowski 1st Year Seminar
Hans Ellefsen's PhD defence on 14 may 2013
Barbara Hutniczak 1st Year Seminar
Lisbeth Brøde Jepsen's PhD defence on 8 april 2013
Yingkui Yang's PhD defence on 18 March 2013
Gang Chen's PhD defence on 10 December 2012
Esbjerg University Prize 2012 awarded to Malene Damsted
Connie Hedegaard, European Commissioner for Climate Action, presented the Esbjerg University Prize to two outstanding students at the award ceremony at the University of Southern Denmark Esbjerg on Friday November 9.
Malene Damsted 1st Year Seminar
Department of Environmental and Business Economics, University of Southern Denmark holds a first year seminar for PhD student Malene Damsted
Photos from Ali Mosavi's PhD Defence 30 October 2012
Ali Mosavi, defends his PhD dissertation entitled: ’Project Portfolio Selection Modes: The Roles of Key Stakeholders in Selecting Projects’
Ph.D.-student Andrei Bobu visits the institute
Impressions about my mobility stage at SDU, Esbjerg
Prize Winners
Master Students rewarded Esbjerg University prize 2011
1st year seminar
Department of Environmental and Business Economics, University of Southern Denmark holds a first year seminar for Ph.D. student Hans Ellefsen
Dr Piera Morlacchi is visiting professor at the institute
energy management
Great success for the first graduates of SDU Esbjerg's new Energy Management bachelor's degree
Three years ago, the new degree in Business Administration - Energy Management was launched at SDU Esbjerg. Now the first graduates are finished - and with great success.
Navne nyt
Ph.d. forsvar d. 23 april
Birgitte Eberhardt forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling; “Reflektorisk rådgivning og alternative fortællinger nu og i fremtidens landbrug”
Great demand for international MSc's in Risk and Safety Management
The programme was started in 2013, and is established as a cooperation between University of Southern Denmark (Department of Environmental and Business Economics) and Aalborg University in Esbjerg
First year evaluation Ph.D. student Harald Nikolajsen
Thursday, 3rd of June, 12.15 – 14.15 in Meeting Room 1 a+b, Niels Bohrs Vej 9
First year evaluation Ph.D. student Thong Tien Nguyen
20. May 2010 kl. 12.15 - 14.15 - Meeting room 2, Niels Bohrs Vej 9, Esbjerg
34th HOS-Conference in Esbjerg
From Friday 14 May until Saturday 15 May 2010
New book on Keynes and macroeconomics by Finn Olesen
First year evaluation Ph.D. student Nadine Lindstädt
8 March 2010 at 11.00 - Meeting room 1, Niels Bohrs Vej 9, Esbjerg
First year evaluation Ph.D. student Thanh Viet Nguyen
3 March 2010 at 15.00 - Meeting room 1A, Niels Bohrs Vej 9, Esbjerg
Symposium 18.-19. August 2009
Energy and CO2 Emissions/Policies – Global CO2 Economics
New EU projekt
IME is a partner in a new large European projekt ’KnowSeas’
International pris til ph.d.-studerende
Specialist i projektledelse vandt konkurrence i Wien
Application is send on the project ’Energy on the sea’
Associate professor Svend Ole Madsen is one of the applicants to the project to ‘Vækstforum’ with the title ‘Energy on the sea’
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