The mass spectrometry laboratory (Ø14-605-0) at the Department of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy offers service for students, guests and staff at the department. Samples from outside SDU may also be handled - Contact Pia K. Haussmann about these (see below). Spectra are recorded using the following ionisation techniques: matrix assisted laser desorption and ionisation (MALDI), electro spray ionisation (ESI) and Electron Impact (EI).
You hand in samples for mass spectrometric analysis in room Ø9-509-1, enclosed by a duly filled in MS requisition. If possible, the samples should be pure (purified) and dry, and they should be placed in distinctly marked 1,5 ml eppendorf vial.
As a special service, the mass spectrometry lab offers accurate mass (external calibration using MALDI, ESI) with a mass accuracy of ±5 ppm. This service is applied for new synthetic compounds with special reference to publication in international scientific journals.
Accurate mass is not necessary for positive identification of compounds in general.
If you (and your supervisor) are in doubt concerning how a given substance should be analysed, or if you have any questions concerning recorded spectra, you are welcome to contact the staff in the mass spectrometry lab.
For more information: Please contact Laboratory Technician Pia Klingenberg Haussmann.