THEME: TAL2023 - Tools for facilitating groups
Find practical tools for facilitating meetings, including Ib Ravn's instructions for facilitated group work used at the TAL conference, and an article on the effect of facilitating a group of students in relation to student wellbeing.
- Ib Ravn's instruction for facilitated group work during his keynote at the TAL conference. With a little adaptation, the instructions can be used in many other contexts.
Discuss ”Group Work and Facilitation”
• In a minute, exit. Take pen and paper
• In the lobby, fill up a 4-person table with strangers
• First-name alphabetic facilitates the discussion. Keep it constructive!
1. Introduce yourselves (2 minutes total)
2. Silent reflection: ”What did you find interesting in Ib’s talk” (2 minutes)
3. Everyone shares (runde) (5 minutes)
4. Facilitator formulates two problems for discussion, 6-8 minutes each
(like: ”How can we try facilitated group work?” or ”How can we overcome obstacles X and Y?”)5. Formulate a question or a comment for the Q&A, or delegate it to Joe.
6. Be back in here by 10:25AM
A note with an overview of facilitation techniques (link to a word-document)
An example of the effect on well-being through the facilitation of study groups
- Link to the article Adriansen, H. K, & Ravn, I. (2012). Det er blevet et socialt netværk: Forbedring af studiemiljøet gennem facilitering. Dansk Universitetspædagogisk Tidsskrift, 7(13), 14–26. https://doi.org/10.7146/dut.v7i13.6061.