Top nano-researchers to gather in Odense
A group of highly recognized researchers in nano-optics will drop in to the conference 'Nanostructured Optical Fields' at the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Southern Denmark.
The conference has been arranged by Sergey Bozhevolnyi, professor at the Department of Technology and Innovation, and he is delighted that it has been possible to gather such prominent names in the field.
"It is a bit of a sensation to bring these researchers together under one roof. These are top researchers from Purdue University in the USA, Stanford University and Laser Zentrum Hannover. These are some busy people and Odense is a long way from the laboratories at their respective universities," says Sergey Bozhevolnyi.
2015 has been dubbed The International Year of Light and according to UNESCO it will draw global attention to light-based technologies for the creation of sustainable development and meeting the global challenges faced in energy, education, agriculture and health. Nano-optics is concerned with the design and control of optical fields on a scale smaller than the wavelengths of light and can be used in a wide range of technologies such as mobile phones, computers, signal reception and the internet.
The conference concludes by marking Sergey Bozhevolnyi's 60th birthday. Since Sergey Bozhevolnyi gained a PhD in Integrated Optics from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology in 1981 he has devoted himself to researching light, which resulted in a doctorate from Aarhus University in 1998.
In 2006 he published the article 'Channel plasmon subwavelength waveguide components' in the respected scientific journal 'Nature', which firmly placed Sergey on the Nano-optics map. He is co-author of more than 320 scientific articles, was appointed as an OSA (Optical Society of America) Fellow in 2007 and received Fyens Stiftstidende's Research Award in 2009.
Sergey has been employed at the University of Southern Denmark since 2008.
Keynote speakers at the conference 'Nanostructured Optical Fields' include:
- Vladimir M. Shalaev, Purdue University, ECE
- N. Asger Mortensen, DTU
- Mark Brongersma, Stanford University
- Boris N. Chichkov, Laser Zentrum Hannover
- Alexandra Boltasseva, Purdue University, ECE
- Brian Vohnsen, University College Dublin
For more information please contact:
Professor Sergey Bozhevolnyi, Head of Centre for Nano Optics: seib@iti.sdu.dk / Mob: 2058 5128