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Research areas

The Haematology Research Unit (HFE-X) is active in clinical research into diagnostic methods and interventions, including testing of new drugs and pre-clinical, cellular and molecular genetic research at the Haematology-Pathology Research Laboratory (HPF). We further have a long-standing tradition of epidemiological research and research within health-related qualitative of life.

Our research projects are increasingly interdisciplinary and include different research methodologies.

HFE-X is part of several research centers, including:

HFE-X is the host department for AmyC OUH, and we have established a center for research into health-related quality of life, QoL Research OUH.

Furthermore, we have established collaborations with multiple national and international partners.

We would very much like to hear from you, if you are a research-interested student or graduate interested in joining a project or engaging in discussions about the potential of initiating your own project. Contact research Secretary Vickie Svane Kristensen - e-mail

Overview of our publications

Last Updated 27.07.2024