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Newsletter from FAME

Newsletter 3/2009 from FAME

Ph.d Course in Denmark ‘The Economics of Marine Resources ’

Ph.D. Course on: ‘The Economics of Marine Resources’. To be held in Esbjerg, Denmark, 19-23 April 2010. Guest lectures are: John Tschirhart, University of Wyoming, Dale Squires, NOAA and UC San Diego and Niels Vestergaard, University of Southern Denmark. The primary topic of the course is Ecological-Economic Modeling of the Marine Environment - Models and Management. The course will include lectures, hands-on experience with modeling and management. See the invitation on FAME’s homepage.

Ph.d Course in Denmark ‘Choice Modeling’

Ph.d. Course on: “Choice Modeling’ in Esbjerg, Denmark, 17-21 May 2010. Guest lectures are: Wolfgang Haider, School of Resource and Environmental Management, Simon Fraser University, Canada and Hans Stubbe, University of Southern Denmark. The course will provide the conceptual and econometric foundations to stated preference and choice methods and introduce the concepts of statistical designs. Furthermore the course will provide an overview to questionnaire design and question writing and explore the various types of models used for analysis. Read more on FAME’s homepage in the beginning of 2010.

Ph.d Course in Helsinki ‘Strategic behaviour in fisheries: application of coalition games’

To be held in Helsinki, Finland September 6-10, 2010. Lecturers are: Marko Lindroos, University of Helsinki, Pedro Pintassilgo, University of Algarve, Lone Grønbæk Kronbak, University of Southern Denmark and Veijo Kaitala, University of Helsinki. The course will include lectures, hands-on experience and students’ presentations. More information about registration will follow in the beginning of 2010. The course is kindly sponsored by the Nordic Marine Academy.

Wolfgang Haider is visiting IME/FAME

Wolfgang Haider from School of Resource and Environmental Management, Simon Fraser University visited Department of Environmental and Business Economics (IME) and FAME in November and will visit IME/FAME again in the spring 2010. Dr. Haider is interested in social science survey methods, quantitative analysis, and trade-off modelling, as they relate to decision making in resource management.

Ph.d student Thanh Viet Nguyen is visiting University of California Davis

Thanh is visiting University of California Davis this fall semester. Here he got desk space at Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics together with other graduate students. Thanh is following courses offered by Prof. Jim Wilen and Prof. Jim Sanchirico and have received useful inputs to his Ph.D. project. Thanh is back in Denmark in due time for Christmas with his family. Hereafter he will continue working on his Ph.D. project on “Ecosystem based-fisheries management”.

More information on FAME’s homepage:

FAME wishes everybody a Merry Christmas and a Happy new year

Editing was completed: 01.03.2009