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Danish Centre for Rural Research - CLF
Project meeting

Focus on digital health in Portugal

In September, the REACT project held a transnational project meeting where the partners finalized the European needs analysis and planned the next steps.

Digital health was on the program when the partners of the international REACT project met in September at the University of Minho in Braga, Portugal.

The purpose was to create in-depth discussions of the work being done in each of the four participating countries - Denmark, France, Portugal, and the Netherlands - and plan the future tasks of the project.

About the project

REACT aims to alleviate digital exclusion in rural areas. In the project, a number of partners will explore how to empower elderly and vulnerable citizens with the skills to utilise digital health services.         

During the days, the team also finalized the European needs analysis, the first part of which includes a needs analysis among the professionals involved in eHealth at a local or regional level. The partners are now working on a report based on the needs analysis, which will be published soon.

The trip also included an introduction to two new team members of the project: Matteo Olivo, who will work in the French team, and Beate Langer, who will complement the Danish team.

Thank you to Teresa Vilaça and the Portuguese team for an excellent and educational trip and the warm welcome!

Project members

Barbara Fersch is a sociologist and project manager on the project.


Editing was completed: 02.10.2023