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26.09.2022   at 15:00 - 16:00

QM Research Seminar: Dimensional reduction of Courant sigma models and Lie theory of Poisson groupoids

The QM Research Seminar is held by Postdoc Miquel Cueca Ten from Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.

It is well known that Poisson manifolds and Courant algebroids give rise to 2d and 3d sigma models. A way of having both structures is by considering a Lie bialgebroid: Integration gives a Poisson groupoid and the Drinfel'd double a Courant algebroid. We will show that their corresponding sigma models are related by dimensional reduction. This is joint work with Alejandro Cabrera.

[url=]Read more about Postdoc Miquel Cueca Ten[/url].