Why do we age? Towards a transdisciplinary theory of birth and death trajectories
Abstract: Classic evolutionary theories of aging postulate that aging is inevitable. Over the past two decades, this paradigm has been shaken by theoretical models and empirical evidence. The newly revealed diversity of aging raises many unanswered questions, which require a deeper understanding of what fundamental principles determine aging patterns, as reflected in birth and death trajectories.
About Annette Baudisch: As mathematician and demographer by training with insights into biology, economics, and computer sciences, her research advances concepts, theories and methods to study age-patterns of mortality and fertility. Honored by the Max Planck Society with the Otto Hahn Medal 2007 for outstanding scientific achievements, her PhD thesis on “Inevitable Aging?” shook a paradigm. It opened a new field of research by changing the question of “why we age” to “why we age, but others do not”. Her formal distinction between the pace and the shape of aging earned the Trailblazer Award for Demographic Analysis. Her research has been published in Science, Nature, and Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, as well as in a range of key disciplinary journals of Demography and Biology.
The lecture takes place in the DIAS Auditorium, Fioniavej 34 from 11:15 to 12:15. Everybody is welcome and no registration is needed.
Live stream it at youtube.com/@danish-ias
- Organizer: DIAS
- Address: Fioniavej 34, 5230 Odense M
- Contact Email: vip@sdu.dk
- Add to your calendar: https://eom.sdu.dk:443/events/ical/3f40c7b1-38d4-4660-80fe-c2dcb7924cbc