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Prepare for uniTEST in 2025

Register no later than 20 March 2025

You must register for uniTEST via SDU's self-service portal You will receive an e-mail from SDU with a login, as soon as SDU receives your application from 

You will be assigned a test time and date as soon as possible after your registration. 

How to participate

You will take the test from home on your own computer. During the test you will be connected to your uniTEST- supervisor, who will ensure that the uniTEST is completed in accordance with regulations. 

Participation from home makes demands on your computer as well as your physical surroundings. Therefore, it is important that you go through the information and steps listed below. 

The test runs in ACER TestApp while you are connected to your online test supervisor via screensharing in Zoom. Therefore, you have to download both applications in advance. You cannot take the uniTEST unless you have downloaded the 2 programs, and you will not be able to open the actual test until your test supervisor gives you access. 

Furthermore, you must make sure that your computer and internet connection meet the requirements. 

Video walkthrough of IT requirements:

When taking the uniTEST, your physical surroundings must meet certain requirements.  It’s important that you comply with these guidelines, otherwise you will unfortunately not be able to take the uniTEST.

It is like an exam, only at home.

Among other things you must sit alone during the test, and there are rules of what items you can have on your desk. 

Video walkthrough of the requirements:

You attend the test by opening the Zoom-link which is sent to you prior to the test day. Please open the link in the desktop version of Zoom, and make sure to bring:

  • Login for Acer TestApp (same as for
  • Pin-code (see 'My Info' on
  • Picture ID 
  • Pencil and blank sheets of paper (max. 5 sheets) 
  • Charger: Remember to plug in your computer's power supply so you don't run out of power

Together with other participants, you will be welcomed by a host from SDU. The host connects you to your uniTEST supervisor, who checks your ID and asks you to pan your webcam 360 degrees.

After this, the test begins. Good luck! 

Video walkthrough of the process:

Tips for preparing

uniTEST is not about your knowledge but your competencies. This limits how much you can prepare for the test.

Still, it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with the type of test you'll be taking. This way, you'll have a better idea of how to approach the questions and make the most of your time.

#1: Prepare for the test form

You can try a series of questions from uniTEST, so you are prepared for how the questions are designed. Download the questions (.pdf)

#2: Move on instead of getting stuck

There is only a limited amount of time for each question, so it’s important that you do not get stuck on a question that is difficult for you to answer. Rather, make a guess and move on. You can always return to the question if you have time to spare. 

#3: A wrong answer does not count against your score

Therefore, it is better to provide an answer than to skip a question altogether.

#4: Train your reading speed

You must typically read a passage of text that contains the information you need to answer the question. Therefore, it’s a good idea to train and optimise your reading speed – especially if you aren’t an avid reader. For example, read a lot of books, newspapers and articles in the period leading up to the test.

After the test

On you can keep track of when we have registered your participation.  If you have to take additional, programme specific tests, this will be announced on in the spring. 

If you have any questions or comments after taking the uniTEST, please feel free to contact us via  under “contact”.

Facts about uniTEST

Test form
Multiple choice test
2,5 hours
Test period
March 28-
April 26, 2025

Frequently asked questions

Do you have further questions?

SDU Admission is ready to help you. Contact us on:

Phone: 0045 65 50 10 51
Monday-Friday: 10.00 am - 2.00 pm

IT help
In case of questions regarding IT requirements or installations, please reach out to our IT department on:

Phone: 0045 65 50 29 90
Monday-thursday: 8.00 am - 3.00 pm
Friday: 8.00 am - 3.00 pm


Terms and conditions

If you experience any issues during the test

For example, if you have technical issues with your computer or the test, or you experience other things that disturb you in a way that prevents you or delays your answering the questions, you must make your uniTEST supervisor aware of this as soon as possible during the test. 

If you subsequently believe that you have experienced conditions during the test which give rise to concern – or you would like to complain about any conditions to which you have not reported during the test – please write to us at under “contact”

You must contact us on the day of your uniTEST for us to process your inquiry.

If you get ill 

If you cannot participate in the test due to illness, please write to us via “contact” at

Technical requirements 

It is your responsibility to ensure that your computer meets the technical requirements. You are responsible for checking that your computer's setup and Internet connection are compatible with remote proctoring. 

Test security 

The University of Southern Denmark is obliged to ensure the quality of admission. This includes ensuring the applicant has obtained the uniTEST result correctly. Therefore, SDU will inspect that the applicant has not received any unlawful help during the test. 

Given that uniTEST is a multiple-choice questionnaire with only one correct answer per question, without the possibility of providing supplementary comments, it is crucial that the applicant has no option of communicating with others during the test. The purpose of online uniTEST supervisors is to ensure that uniTEST is not handed in by a third party and to ensure that the applicant has not received any assistance during the test. 

No personal information is processed unless the applicant, by choice or accident, shares information on the webcam, verbally or on-screen. SDU registers personal data in accordance with the general data protection regulation, specifically paragraph 6, sub-section 1. 


If you cheat, you risk never being allowed to study at SDU. At worst, you could get permanently expelled from the university – even if you have not been enrolled at the university before. 

Your actions will be considered cheating if you: 

  • Attempt to circumvent, disable or otherwise obstruct the purpose of the university's use of electronic proctoring programs 
  • Fail to disclose 
  • Are misleading about your own efforts or results 
  • Take part in unauthorised collaborations 
  • Receive help during the test or help others  - including use of chatbots
  • Wrongfully have prior knowledge of the test 
  • Provide incorrect attendance information.
Criminal circumstances 

SDU would like to point out that the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) is the copyright owner of uniTEST. According to their rules, it is deemed criminal if you copy or share content from the uniTEST. Copyright infringement in any way will be punished under copyright law. 

Suspicion of document forgery and identity fraud will be reported to the police and may be punished under the rules of the criminal code.

Last Updated 21.11.2024