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Establishment of new Maritime Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Knowledge Centre (MARDEI)

We are pleased to announce the official initiation of the Maritime Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Knowledge Centre (MARDEI), a vital initiative focused on mitigating bullying, harassment, sexual assault, and sexual harassment (SASH) while fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within the Danish fleet.

MARDEI serves as a dedicated maritime knowledge center, dedicated to disseminating initiatives and knowledge across the Danish maritime industry. Our primary objective is to diminish incidents of bullying, harassment, and SASH, while simultaneously promoting a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion. This initiative is aligned with the findings outlined in the research report by Froholdt et al. (2023) from the Center for Maritime Health and Society (CMSS) at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) and resonates with the calls for action by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the International Maritime Organisation (IMO).

Collaboratively established by CMSS/SDU and SIMAC, MARDEI is committed to providing independent knowledge and support to seafarers, interested companies, and stakeholders within the industry. Our efforts will encompass a range of activities, including knowledge dissemination, support mechanisms, and capacity building, all aimed at fostering a safer, healthier, and more inclusive work environment within the Danish fleet.

Key components of MARDEI are:

  1. Serving as an independent knowledge and data hub.
  2. Providing a range of supporting roles.
  3. Ensuring capacity building.

Through these components, MARDEI will contribute to creating a transparent, supportive, and uniform approach to addressing bullying, harassment, and SASH within the Danish fleet. Our proactive approach seeks to empower individuals with the knowledge and support necessary to create a workplace culture that upholds diversity, equity, and inclusion.

We invite all stakeholders to join us in this endeavor and extend our gratitude to those who have contributed to the establishment of MARDEI. Together, we can create a maritime industry that is safer, healthier, and more inclusive for all. For further information and inquiries about MARDEI, please contact:

Lisbeth Skræ, MSc.

Head of Education at SIMAC and co-author of merited Master thesis; Heyden, Uli & Lisbeth Anna Skræ (2015). Seksuelle krænkelser mod kvinder i den danske handelsflåde. (Sexual harassment against women in the Danish Fleet) Masterprojekt. København: DTU.


Lisa Loloma Froholdt, Ph.D.

Senior researcher, Head of Center for Maritime Health and Society at the University of Southern Denmark, Project manager of the research team for the BaHDIS project (Bullying and harassment in the Danish Fleet) and research report; Froholdt, L.L., Grøn, S., Nielsen, J.B., Thapa, S., Nielsen, MB., Fenn, A., Kragesand, E., and Risager Ubbesen, T. (2023). CMSS Research report: Bullying and harassment in the Danish Fleet
Editing was completed: 05.04.2024