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Measurement and Technology SIPROS


It is our hypothesis that Virtual Reality simulations can provide an effective way for staff training, but so far the technology has not been developed for corporate training in the biotech or laboratory sector. It is our vision to develop virtual reality labs with haptic feedback gloves that accurately simulate processes and allow complex training even before a production line or research lab is built. The foundational technology for the project is a recent revolution in the development of virtual reality goggles as well as gloves with haptic feedback, that could allow a previously impossible task of cost-effective training of complex workflows. With the virtual reality technology we will create fully simulated versions of reality, offering training and development tools to simulate actual work-flows, processes and procedures. Virtual reality is the only technology that will allow staff to experience a training environment expected to be almost identical to operating in the real environment – hence gaining experience that is hypothesized to be possible to transfer to job functions at a very high degree. SIPROS is offering a new paradigm in training and development that currently is not on the market and is not possible for biotechnology industry to develop as it lies outside their core research and development capabilities.




Project leader:

Guido Makransky, Associate professor


Project employees:

Project partners:

The Project is financed by:

Last Updated 19.10.2023