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PhD course: Collaborative research and participatory methodologies in educational practices

This approach has its roots in action research developed in the 20th century but is constantly acquiring new offshoots and names, such as Design-Based Research and participatory research. The development is linked to a national and international ambition to conduct practice-oriented/near educational and school research for the purpose of creating sustainable knowledge and change.

But is it possible? What are the epistemological and methodological implications? And how can one work with collaborative research and participatory methodologies in a PhD project? Those are the fundamental questions of the course.

The aim is to provide insight into different types of collaborative research – both historical and current. During the course, we will exemplify and critically discuss how we can more concretely design, methodologically think and implement collaborative research into educational practices.

The course runs over 1-1 ½ days (depending on the number of participants) and will begin with a lecture and workshop by Professor Jane Wilkinson, University of Melbourne, who has many years of experience in collaborative practice-oriented educational and school research based on an ecosystemic and participatory approach. She is co-author of the internationally influential book Changing Practices, Changing Education (with Kemmis et al., Springer, 2014). Her recent research has focused on how school systems (best) receive and integrate migrants.

In addition, the course will provide ample opportunity to present your PhD project and get feedback on it from Wilkinson and the heads of SDU’s Centre for Primary and Lower Secondary Education Research, Professor Nikolaj Elf, Associate Professor Thomas Skovgaard and Professor Connie Svabo. We will also provide joint feedback on all the PhD projects presented.

You can participate with or without a paper (maximum 8 pages, 2200 characters per page). All participants are requested to submit a project presentation of ½-1 page in English. Submitted papers can be in Danish or English (English is preferred to allow Jane to provide feedback).

Submitted papers and presentations will be shared with all participants one week in advance. We expect that this material has been read before the course starts. In addition, three articles addressing will be shared, also expected to be read before the course starts.

PhD fellows who in one way or another address collaborative research and/or participatory methodologies in educational practice are particularly encouraged to participate, but all PhD fellows with an interest in the subject and who wish to discuss their own project are welcome.

Registration with a paper is preferred, and registration is on a first-come, first-served basis.

Last Updated 09.08.2023