Researcher at SDU Esbjerg visits the United States to study quality of rural life
Pia Heike Johansen from the Department of Sociology, Environmental & Business Economics visits Steamboat Springs, Colorado to study the quality of rural life. In a new interview with the American newspaper "Steamboat Pilot & Today", she tells about her four-year study on quality of life in rural communities.
"What makes people happy? Why do some people live in rural areas while others prefer cities? How does this decision impact one’s sense of well-being?
These are difficult, lofty questions to answer, but they are what Danish researcher Dr. Pia Johansen has spent much of her career studying. For the past 1 1/2 years, she has explored specifically how people in rural communities perceive their quality of life. While most of her work focuses on her native Denmark, she visited Steamboat Springs this weekend to speak with local residents and researchers, as well as to compare quality of life among Americans with her Danish subjects."
Read the whole interview with Pia Heike Johansen in the Steamboat Pilot & Today here
Meet the Researcher
Pia Heike Johansen is Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology, Environmental and Business Economics. Among other things she researches in rural-urban relations in relation to landscape, business and cultural life, focusing on the development dynamics of everyday life and the political conditions for this. You can read more about Pia and her research here.