PhD project on the management of marine invasive species in the Arctic
MDPI has announced that Melina Kourantidou is the winner of the Resources Travel Award for 2017. The research project focuses on
Melina Kourantidou' s research focuses on the management of marine invasive species in the Arctic and applies bioeconomic tools that reveal
the existing trade-off for species with a dual role as a nuisance and as a valuable economic resource, using the Red King Crab invasion as a case study.
The analysis of the model looks at the spatial dimensions of the current regulatory regime in Norway and develops insights that allow managers to identify the role of externalities and to optimally manage the resource.
Read the Announcement of the Travel Award for 2017 and other rewards allocated by the Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI).
Read more about her PhD project
For more information, contact PhD student Melina Kourantidou, mkour@sam.sdu.dk