Henrik Bindslev continues as Dean of TEK
In the years to come, Henrik Bindslev will continue to serve as the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering (TEK) at the University of Southern Denmark. A unanimous employment committee has reappointed the seasoned force to be reckoned with in management and research, much to the delight of SDU and Henrik Bindslev himself.
In the coming years, Henrik Bindslev will continue to lead research and education at SDU’s Faculty of Engineering.
The position as dean of the Faculty of Engineering was advertised when Henrik Bindslev’s current fixed-term appointment was about to expire. Jens Ringsmose, Rector of SDU and Chairman of the Appointments Committee, is pleased that Henrik Bindslev will continue his work as dean.
- I am delighted that we can continue our collaboration with Henrik Bindslev. Henrik is a highly ambitious, enterprising and hard-working leader who understands how to identify and seize opportunities for the benefit of the Faculty, the University of Southern Denmark and society in a broader sense.
- As dean for the past nine years, Henrik has delivered impressive results and moved the Faculty significantly in a positive direction. I am convinced that with Henrik Bindslev at the helm, we will continue to see SDU’s Faculty of Engineering as a crucial institution in the research and education area and in the collaboration with companies and organisations outside the University in the years to come, he says.
Happy dean wants to continue the positive development
Henrik Bindslev has served as Dean of SDU’s Faculty of Engineering since 2015. Since then, a lot has happened at the University and throughout the sector. The key figure looks forward to continuing this work in the years to come.
- I am delighted to have the marvellous opportunity to continue the rapid development we have seen for several years at the Faculty of Engineering. We are in the process of broadening our research base and giving it more depth and strength. For a long time, businesses have greatly needed – and will continue to need – us to educate graduates with a high level of research-based professionalism, he says.
Henrik Bindslev emphasises SDU’s framework with a multi-faculty profile and close collaboration with the surrounding businesses and society in general as a clear strength.
- I really appreciate the excellent collaboration between the faculties in terms of education and research. And when we are joined by OUH in Odense in a few years’ time, it will create even more opportunities that I am very much looking forward to being a part of. It’s a very exciting place to work, says a happy Henrik Bindslev.
Even higher quality in research and education awaits
When asked how the experienced dean envisions the development of TEK in the future, Henrik Bindslev replies that he would like to see a greater critical mass in the form of researchers and students, allowing the Faculty to raise the bar even more in terms of research and education. Likewise, TEK must continue to seek inspiration and knowledge through international networks and collaborations.
- We will continue to collaborate with some of the best international research groups, universities and companies, and we will continue to seek to be part of the best early-stage networks. We pride ourselves on the academic level of our students, and I aim to maintain and increase the calibre of the graduates we educate at our Faculty.
- We don’t need a wider range of offerings, but we do need even more students to improve quality. And it all has to happen in an excellent teaching and research environment,’ he says.
About Henrik Bindslev
- Henrik Bindslev holds a PhD in Plasma Physics from Oxford University.
- He has been Dean of the Faculty of Engineering for nine years
- Henrik Bindslev turns 60 at the end of January.
- Henrik has previously served as Director of the European joint undertaking Fusion for Energy, which, through a global partnership, was responsible for developing and building the experimental fusion reactor ITER in close collaboration with large public research laboratories and high-tech companies.
- Henrik also co-founded and chaired the European Energy Research Alliance, which today is Europe’s largest energy research network.
- Nationally, Henrik is currently deputy chairman of the business clusters CLEAN and Energy Cluster Denmark, as well as a member of the board and executive committee of the business cluster Odense Robotics.