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Topology, Algebra, Analysis and Geometry (TAAG)

Section members at Topology, Algebra, Analysis and Geometry (TAAG)

Our group conducts research within a broad spectrum of pure mathematics, with particular emphasis on the theory related to quantum phenomena.  Research in pure mathematics forms the theoretical framework within which we can build models to better understand the world around us, and  new mathematical developments are therefore paramount for our ability to unravel the mysteries of the universe as well as for  further technological advances. At the moment, phenomena taking place at the quantum scale  are still missing a satisfactory mathematical underpinning, and our research group is investigating numerous different aspects of this overarching problem. Among our main fields of expertise are quantum topology,   moduli space theory, operator algebras, geometric quantization, cluster algebras, non-commutative geometry and symplectic geometry. Our research is currently funded via the ERC Synergy Grant ReNewQuantum as well as several research grants from the Independent Research Fund Denmark, Novo Nordisk Foundation,  Danish National Research Foundation.

Section members

Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen, professor, head of Center for Quantum Mathematics, D-IAS Chair
David Kyed, professor, head of TAAG section
Jeong Hee Hong, professor
Vivek Shende, professor
Wojciech Szymanski, professor
Du Pei, associate professor
Fabian Haiden, associate professor 
Jamie Gabe, associate professor
Jens Kaad, associate professor
Matthias Wilhelm, associate professor
Shan Shan, associate professor 
Apoorv Tiwari, assistant professor, DIAS fellow
Kevin Aguyar Brix, assistant professor
Konstantin Wernli, assistant professor 
Kristin (Courtney) Gabe, assistant professor 
Nadia Ott, assistant professor
Alexei Latyntsev, postdoc
Bingyu Zhang, postdoc
Adrian Petr, postdoc
Alistair Miller, postdoc
Daria Polydarya, postdoc
Gard Olav Helle, postdoc
Greyson Potter, postdoc
Guillaume Laplante-Anfossi, postdoc
Guillem Cazassus, postdoc
Guillermo Bajaras Ayuso, postdoc
Ikshu Neithalath, postdoc
Muyang Liu, postdoc
Nezhla Aghaei, postdoc
William Elbæk Mistegård, postdoc
William Olsen, postdoc
Amalie Thorup Eich-Høy, PhD
Ben Bouwen, PhD
Charalampos Evangelatos, PhD
Joël Beimler, PhD
Max Holst Mikkelsen, PhD
Santiago Quintero de los Rios, PhD
Yuki Matsubara, PhD
Zhongyu Zhang, PhD
Jane Jamshidi, centre administrator
Louise Damkjær, administrative officer

External funding and ongoing projects

VILLUM Young Investigator, New invariants in low-dimensional topology via quantum field theory, 2022-2027, DKK 6 million, D. Pei (PI).

Simons Collaboration grant, New structures in Low-dimensional topology, 2022-2026, USD 8 million, J.E. Andersen (PI) in collaboration with several Ivy League universities in the USA.

VILLUM Investigator, Mathematics of the topological open string, 2021-2027, DKK 25 million, V. Shende (PI)

NOVO Starting Package Applications of knot invariants/microlocal sheaf theory in macromolecular folding/topological data analysis applicable to biomedicine, 2021-2025, DKK 6 million, V. Shende (PI)

DNRF Chair for Vivek Shende, 2021-2024, DKK 8 million, V. Shende (PI)

EU-ERC Synergy Grant, 'Recursive and Exact New Quantum Theory (ReNewQuantum), 2019-2025, EUR 10 million, J.E. Andersen (PI) in collaboration with Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques, University of Geneva & Institut de Physique Théorique, CEA Saclay.

DFF-Research Project 1, Classical and Quantum Distances, 2019-2022, DKK 2,3 million, D. Kyed (PI) and J. Kaad (co-PI).

DFF-Research Project 2, Automorphisms and invariants of operator algebras, 2017-2021, DKK 5,5 million, W. Szymanski (PI), D. Kyed (AI), J. Kaad (AI), in collaboration with Copenhagen University and Aarhus University.


Contact person

David Kyed

News: The Carlsberg Foundation-grant for Jamie Gabe

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News: Inge Lehmann-grant for Kristin Courtney

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News: Simons Foundation-grant for Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen

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News: Carlsberg grant for Sophie Emma Mikkelsen

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News: Sapere Aude grant for Jamie Gabe

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News: Grant for the OP-ALG-group

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News: 25 million grant awarded to Vivek Shende

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Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230
  • Phone: +45 6550 2387

Last Updated 18.12.2024