New Centre to Study How to Make Computers Faster
Centre for Nano-Optics to play with light to create faster and more efficient computers
In a new centre for Nano Optics at the University of Southern Denmark, researchers use light to enhance the performance of a wide range of technologies. What, with another word is called optical technology, is to provide us with supercomputers and more efficient solar cells.
Online, the sea of information moves through optical fibre cables and this makes the information fast. But when the information reaches the computer the speed moves at a snail’s pace, because the information on the computer is carried through old electrical wiring.
- A holiday-hit queue on the motorway in Germany is nothing compared in relation to the traffic jam the information meet when it enters the computer. Optical fibre cables can lead considerably more information than electric cables, says Professor Sergey I. Bozhevolnyi from the Department of Technology and Innovation, who will be leading the new centre.
Manipulates light
Optics is all about manipulating light. Nano means that it takes place in tiny devices – the researchers have to use special microscopes. Nano-optics also gave us Blu-ray DVDs and can lead to even faster broadband connections.
- When online information ends up on your computer it goes from being guided by the light to being led by the processed electrical circuits. This is equivalent to asking all the passengers on a jumbo jet to switch to a horse-drawn carriage, said Professor Sergey I. Bozhevolnyi.
Centre for Nano Optics has received firm support from the European Union to research the development of supercomputers, where the information can be lightning quick by means of optical light fibres and circuits.
- Nano-Optics is all about playing with light to create new technologies that will make our everyday lives better, increase the efficiency and safety of a wide range of technologies such as computers and solar cells, says Sergey I. Bozhevolnyi.
Professor Sergey I. Bozhevolnyi - Centre for Nano Optics
phone: 20 58 5128, e-mail: seib@iti.sdu.dk